Arranging Fate Part 16

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After selena finished showering and getting ready, Demi led her to the car and they drove back to Demi and Joe's house. Selena was a little happier then before but in the back of her mind all she could think of was Justin and what he had done too....she was afraid of many things at this point. They pulled up to the house and came inside the house, Mason was running around the living room giggling as Joe chased him while crawling after him growling playfully like a monster.

"I'm gonna bite those legs buddy" Joe said with a playful snarl and went faster, Selena couldn't help but laugh and Demi giggled aswell as mason ran behind Demi's leg. "Help mommy, daddy's trying to get me" mason said giggling; Joe stopped at Demi's leg and let out a chuckle before she leaned down and pecked his lips. "leave our son alone" Demi said through a laugh, She then walked to the living room to see Sophia sleeping in her swing. Selena won't lie she didn't feel a little uncomfortable around Joe.....she didn't want too but after the events that took place she wasn't sure she could even look Nick in the eye, she felt dirty. Selena sat on the couch without a word and Demi took out her phone, called Nick told him to come over it was an emergency. Demi took Sophia up to her crib and got the baby monitor coming back downstairs; she then took Mason to his play room setting up his favorite movie which was Toy Story.

"What's going on why are the kids in different rooms??" joe asked as there was a knock on the door, Demi went and opened walked Nick with a sort of confused expression that Selena was there. Nick sat next to her and tried to kiss her cheek but she moved away a bit so he couldn't which confused him even more. "Selena what's wrong??....did I do something wrong??" Nick asked concerned that he had done something bad but he didn't know what, Joe watched them just as confused. Selena pulled a picture out of her pocket and held it up. "Who is she Nick??...are you cheating on me?" Selena asked with a teary voice...Nick looked at her shocked. "What?!?!" Nick said in disbelief...Selena then stood up with a bit of rage. "DON'T ACT LIKE YOU HAVENT SEEN HER BEFORE....THIS ISNT FAKE OK...WHO IS SHE?? JUST TELL ME" Selena yelled through the tears strolling down her cheeks. Nick stood up and tried to hold her hands but she just pulled away as the thought of Justin grabbing her ran through her head. "She's just my friend Selena who told you I was cheating on you??" Nick asked getting a little frustrated...Selena just shook her head. "Justin showed me this picture an-." Selena started but then Nick just stopped her when he started to laugh a bit with no humor.

"You have got to be kidding listen to the guy that wants to tear us apart...break us up...TAKE YOU AWAY FROM ME?? Your listen to the cheater thinking id do the same to you is that it??....News flash alright id never do that to you I LOVE YOU...." Nick shouted the last part...he hadn't said it before which made Selenas eyes widen...Demi and Joe had slipped into the kitchen during the time Selena pulled out the picture but they were listening. " love me??" Selena whispered still in shock...Nick nodded as tears came to his eyes...he was hurt. "Yea...I do more than anything but apparently I'm just like your ex...I'm sorry" Nick said as he sniffed and shook his head going to walk out the door but Selena grabbed his hand, she began to shake a little bit fear over taking her but she didn't want to let go.

"N-No nick I'm sorry I just....i just had a bad day" Selena said in a shaky teary voice, she was taking deep breaths to not cry again because she didn't want too. "What happened...I can help if you tell me Sel...what happened" Nick asked as he put his hand on her cheek, she shuttered a bit and closed her eyes. "J-Justin...raped me" Selena said and whimpered a bit feeling Nick tense, then they heard Joe yell "WHAT!!" Before he stormed back into the living room, Demi followed him. "He...he touched you??" Nick said with anger but more shock in his voice...Selena just nodded...not trusting her voice. "have you been to the hospital yet??" Nick said trying to keep calm...Selena was shocked he didn't yet but she shook her head no. "Nick take her to get checked out and then call us later" Demi said, Nick nodded and picked up Selena carrying her to his car before driving away.

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