Arranging Fate Part 15

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Demi looked at them a bit shocked before nodding and inviting them inside. They followed her into the living room where Demi was watching Sophia; the officers took off their hats and smiled at Sophia. "You have a beautiful daughter Mrs. Jonas" Officer Sanders told her, Demi smiled and thanked him before looking at him and the other Officer whose name was Officer Ramirez. "Not trying to be rude officers but...why are you here, has my husband done wrong??" Demi asked curiously not remembering Joe doing anything since the fight with Dominic but that could be it. Just as the officer was about to say something Joe came down with Mason in his arms, Mason was poking his face and giggling....Joe was laughing with him attacking his face with Kisses. After he pulled away his face fell a bit seeing the officers, he walked towards everyone and Mason was now playing with Joes fingers.

"They're a problem officers" joe asked while slowly putting Masons down, he whined a little bit but Joe ran his fingers through his hair. "We need to talk to you about something serious Mr.'s about your father" Officer Sanders said a bit sternly...Joe nodded before bending down to Masons height. "Hey buddy can you go play in your play room for a while?? Daddy will come play with you in a little while" Joe said and Mason nodded with a smile before giving his mommy and daddy a kiss then running off to the room.

Joe sat next to Demi and held her hand, she laced their fingers together as the police began to talk again. "Your father has been arrested today because of drug use, involved in a possible murder and also alcohol abuse" officer Ramirez said. Joe signed and ran his fingers through his hair, Demi was confused and shocked. "I'm sorry you must be mistaken sir his father was just here he couldn't have done that." Demi said obviously still lost.

"Demi I need to talk to you about something but umm Officers what does he need from me?" Joe asked curiously wondering why he was needed. "he wants to talk to you...he won't stop asking for you" Officer sanders said before joe nodded. "Ill come but I refuse to bail him out" The officers nodded before heading outside to wait for Joe to follow. Joe looked at Demi and she was just confused "Joseph Adam Jonas what the hell is going on?" Demi asked a little mad but just more confused than anything. She watched as Joe took a deep breath...and then looks her deep in the eyes. "Ok so here's the story" Joe began

"Before my mother started having me and my brothers she knew this man named Freddie of her best friends from high school but also an ex-boyfriend. They broke up and a year later she found step father. Now to explain that Paul is my older brother Kevin's father is Freddie because he raped my mother. They hadn't seen each other in mother was out with a few girlfriends...her first time out since she had Kevin, which was a couple of years but she never minded that. Freddie saw her...he was drunk and well you know what happens....that's how I was made...Paul was crushed to learn I wasn't his but he stayed. Freddie disappeared for years...until now, a while after I was born like 2 years...Nick was conceived...we all look alike because of my mother. I did everything in my power to make sure my mother forgot him...but she keeps a picture of him in our house because sometimes you can't let go all the way no matter how much it hurts, he was her first love." Joe said as a few tears escaped his eyes....Demi was shocked...she had no idea that happened to him. Demi wiped his tears away and hugged him tightly then pulled away and made him look at her.

"Joe....i understand this is hard but please be careful. We have a daughter and son to think about it, theirs a lot going on. Honestly he doesn't deserve a son like you....your an amazing husband, father and what you have to do to get closure or whatever you need ok babe??" Demi said and Joe smiled a bit and nodded. He leaned forward and pecked her lips...she smiled back before leaning up and kissing his forehead. They both got up and walked to the door "ill be back in a little while....take care of Sophy and Mason...ill be fine" Joe said before bringing her knuckles up and kissing them lightly. He then walked out of the house without another word, As he got into the house his heart was beating like crazy out of nerves and not good ones. He was about to see the man who hurt his mom....hurt him....made him feel like a mistake.

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