Arranging Fate Part 10

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Its been almost a month since Joe was put in the hospital for the gunshots, since Dominic was put in jail and since Stephanie had been staying with Demi. Right now it's the night before Demi's next ultrasound, her stomach had grown a bit more to the point of starting to become a little noticeable which made her smile but Mason would always ask why her tummy got bigger, she still has no idea how to answer. Joe had slipped into a coma a few days after being hospitalized which surprised the doctors a bit but judging by the injuries it was possibly bound to happen. Demi and Stephanie were sitting in the living room talking about Stephanie's new house, it was confirmed that Stephanie was pregnant so she immediately looked for places to live.

"I found this great 3 bedroom house, I know its a lot of space but who knows what my future may hold or how many kids I will have. Plus it just felt like the house I grew up in, I live in the same neighborhood as my older sister and everything if I need her" Demi smiled at Stephanie, she was genuinely happy for but then Demi's phone began to rang. Demi looked at the was almost 9pm, Mason was already in bed sleeping, Demi picked it up. "Hello?" Demi answered curious to see who would be calling at this hour. "Yes hello Demetria its doctor Miller I have news on Joseph." Demi eyes widened at the mention of Joes name, the doctors hadn't said anything about him for a long time so she was getting worried. "What's wrong with him doctor" Demi asked nervously praying he wasn't gone. "He's awake....asking for you" Demi's eyes filled with tears...she quickly thanked the doctor before getting up and putting on her shoes.

"Umm demi what is going on?? Who was it?" Stephanie asked watching her put on her shoes, Demi tossed Stephanie her shoes before speaking quickly and slight out of breath. "Joe...he's awake, he's awake we need to go now." Stephanie quickly put on her shoes as Demi went upstairs and picked up a sleeping Mason very gently. He whined a little bit but Demi shushed him and kissed his temple making him calm down almost immediately, He laid his head on her shoulder as she went downstairs. She put him in the car then got in the front along with Stephanie, she drove to the hospital. So many thoughts running through her head, she was about to see his beautiful hazel eyes for the first time in a month. They pulled up to the hospital luckily with no Paparazzi; Demi put Mason in his stroller before going inside with Stephanie trailing behind. They went to Joes room where Selena and Nick were sat holding hands, Which made demi smile a bit. Joe's parents were also there.

"He doesn't wanna see anyone except you right now" Denise said with a slight smile on her face. Stephanie nodded at demi before sitting down next to Selena; Selena was holding the stroller that had Mason sleeping in it. Demi looked at Joe's door for a minute before slowly making her way inside, her eyes glazing over with tears as she lightly closed the door. Joe was looking out the window but slowly looked over at her with the little strength he had, Demi felt her heart beat faster when a smile slowly appeared on his face and he whispered to her for the first time in a month. "Hi" Joe whispered, Demi couldn't help but let out a laugh and go to him and hold his hand before whispering back a breathy yet teary "Hi." They just sat there staring at each other for a while before Demi help him slowly sit up.

"How has everything been" Joe asked with a quiet voice considering his cracked ribs were hurting him. "it's been fine but joe I need to tell you something" Joe then started to look concerned. "Is it the baby...are you ok?" Demi nodded her head. "Yes but umm I've had a visitor at the before you cut in ill tell you.'s your ex Stephanie." Joe's eyes widened. "bring her in here" Demi was about to protest but then she saw the look in his eyes before nodding and opening the door, soon enough Stephanie walked in with a nervous look on her face. Joe looked a bit mad. "You want to explain why you were at my house?...with my wife? I don't know if your trying to pull something but...if you hurt my wife I will not even hesitate to put you behind bars with Dominic. Sorry if that's mean but I can't trust you anymore Stephanie and you know why" Stephanie looked down at her nails as she began to talk. "I stayed with her to get away from Dominic Joe, I promise I didn't do anything. I was just looking for a home for me and my baby, don't worry soon enough ill be out of your lives forever and you wont have to see me again." Stephanie then began walking out of the room but Demi blurted out "She brought back Mason" making everyone freeze.

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