Arranging Fate Part 6

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Demi and Joe were shocked to see such a little boy walking out in such weather without the proper clothing, then they watched in horror as the little boy fell but that when Joe sprang into action grabbing the nearest jacket and rushing outside but slowed down when he was near the little boy. Demi covered her mouth with her hand just watching as Joe talked to the little boy, he looked so fragile and it broke her heart. Demi watched as joe reached out for the little boy and he went to joe, Joe wrapped the coat around him and rushed inside. He took the small boy to the living room and laid his head on a pillow on the couch before covering him with a blanket.

"its gonna be alright buddy were not going to hurt you. What's your name?" Joe asked curiously, the little boy looked up at him with his little greyish blue eyes. "I Mason" his said in a little voice which made Demi and Joe smile. "That's a cute name Mason, I'm Demi and this is Joe" she said getting a little closer to him, Mason then let out a small giggle as a tiny blush came to his cheek. That made their hearts swell because it was cute, they couldn't stop thinking who would do this to such a tiny boy but then Joe noticed something on the floor. It was a note, Joe picked it up walking towards the kitchen as Demi sat next to Mason stroking his feathery brown hair as he slowly fell asleep. After he was asleep Demi walked to the kitchen hearing a slam on their table, she saw joe pacing the kitchen with a look of anger on his face.

"What happened?? What did the note say??" Demi said wondering why he was so upset. Joe said "read it" before handing it to her, he was taking deep breaths to retain his anger because that note was just disgusting. Demi then began to read it

"Dear whoever this may concern, we don't not want this poor excuse for a child anymore. He's a brat amongst the other kids we have, all he does is act like a fucking baby. He cry's a lot and never listens to a word we say, so we threw him out and do not expect him to come back. Do not bring him back because we will deny ever having him, you can keep that little thing. If you turn this over there are adoption papers on the back, we signed it you just need to sign it then that little headache is all yours. If you need to control him just spank him or hit him, he will shut up. Do not come to us and do not return him. Sincerely the Sunshine Kisses Orphanage." Demi felt the anger rising in ever morsel of her body but she calmed down remembering she's pregnant and can't stress.

"How could they do this to an innocent little child, there's no way he's like what they described" Demi peeked around the corner where Mason was sleeping, his little chest rising up and down. It made her sick to her stomach to even imagine someone hitting him. "There's no way were giving him back or to anyone else, he trusts us Demi I can see it in his eyes he's never been treated like were treating him" Joe said through a small sign. "I want to keep him too but what about paparazzi and also we need stuff for him, clothes, pacifiers, a bed, food...everything" Demi said with a slight panic but before she could say anything else Joe kissed her and she kissed back, after they pulled away Joe rested his hands on her cheeks and caressed them a bit. "I will go to the store in the morning ok? We will get the stuff he needs Demi we won't let him down. We both have tomorrow off because of the snow so everything should be fine, but right now you and the little one in your tummy need rest and so do i. Mason can sleep with us" Joe says to demi as she smiles at him and nods ok, she pecks his lips before they head to the living room. Joe picks up Mason and takes him upstairs with them, Demi lays in the bed and Joe puts Mason in the middle of them. Soon all three of them are asleep, both joe and demi holding onto Mason.

(Later on, 11am)

Demi slowly opened her eyes, she was looking at Mason and she couldn't help but smile as he opened his eyes letting out a small yawn rubbing his eyes. She got up and picked him up. "Morning cutie, you hungry?" Mason nodded yes with a smile on his face before laying his head on Demi's shoulder; she couldn't help but coo at him. She made her way downstairs to see Joe with a pen between his lips and a list in his hands, she kissed his cheek which made him look up and smile at the two of them. "Good morning babe, Morning buddy" Joe said getting up, Mason looked at Joe and gave him a smile. "I will be back I'm gonna go buy some things for him" Demi nodded before leaning in and giving him a kiss, Joe then went around and kissed Mason on the cheek which made him laugh. Their hearts swelled with love for this tiny boy.

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