Arranging Fate Part 18 (Finale)

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Demi's eyes widened a bit. "What the hell did you do nick?" Demi asked a little mad wondering how she even ended up there, she knows he didn't hit her or anything but id had to have something to do when she told him about the pregnancy. "I didn't do anything I swear to you on my life demi...she was freaking out a bit when I got to her house and I tried to calm her down, then she told me she was pregnant. I was shocked not knowing what to say, I went to say something when she bent over in pain and then I gasped when I saw blood between her legs, I rushed her to the hospital and she passed out as we got there. I don't know what happened and I'm SCARED DEMI, what if she lost this baby because of me....oh god..." Nick exclaimed with a mixture of panic, sadness and anger...the anger towards himself.

Demi signed knowing he didn't mean for this to happen and she ran her fingers through her hair trying to figure out what could have possibly happened. "Me and joe will be there in a few minutes ok?? Just stay outside the room, sit down and don't move" Demi said trying to keep him calm but she knew he wasn't going to be calm. "I have to stay out here demi because her parents wont let me in there...the hospital called them, her father yelled out me what did I do to her and her mother slapped me thinking I did this...Demi I love her I cant loose her" Nick said with a slightly shaky voice, Demi felt bad for him....she knew Selena's parents could be hard asses at times.

"Ok just stay calm we will be there soon I promise I will get you in that room nick" Demi said, Nick said "alright" in the saddest tone she had ever heard from made her feel sad because she knew this was really upsetting him espically when he couldn't be by her side. They said goodbye before hanging up, Demi went to Joe and looked at him with a slightly concerned face. Joe was smiling till he saw her face and his smile faltered a bit....he knew something wasn't right.

"Whats wrong?" joe said as he rubbed sophias tummy as she laid on her back, Sophia kicked her legs a little and chewed on her fingers while cooing to herself. "Selena is in the hospital again" Demi said with a bit of worry and joes eyes widened. "why is she there??" joe asked standing up and walking a bit closer pulling her into his side, he could tell she was a bit upset about this. "something must be wrong with her pregnancy an-." Demi was cut off when joe looked at her shocked...she realized she didn't tell joe that she was pregnant, selena had only told her that day.

"Holy shit I didn't know that was something wrong with her baby??" Joe asked curiously wondering why she was in the hospital but Demi just shrugged not knowing what was going on with her. "I don't know that why we need to go, Nick is there and Selenas parents wont let him in...hes really upset joe" Joe nodded before picking up Sophia, he put on her jacket and shoes, while Demi did the same with Masons. They then all loaded into the car and drove to the hospital, luckily there were no paparazzi outside so they just slipped inside unnoticed. They asked where her room was and the lady told them before they started towards her room, Joe was carrying Mason and Demi was pushing the stroller which held a wide awake Sophia. They were almost to the room where they saw Selena's parents and Nick yelling at eachother, they rushed over.

"Woah woah STOP STOP" Demi said to everyone, they got quiet and looked at her. Nicks face slightly red and his cheeks stained with tears from being so frustrated, Selenas father slightly red in the face from anger and Selenas mom just looked annoyed. "that is enough...Nick go into the room" Demi said calmly, Nick went inside but Selenas father followed him and slammed him against the wall. Selena jolted awake and her eyes went wide, Demi left the stroller with joe before rushing in. "STOP LET HIM GO" Demi demanded but Mr.Gomez just shook his head not wanting to let go of him. "NO HE HURT MY DAUGHTER...HES IN A HOSPITAL ROOM BECAUSE OF HIM" He said angrily, Nick then retaliated even though he was a bit light headed.

"I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING I LOVE HER AND WOULD NEVER HURT HER, I BROUGTH HER HERE AFTER SHE TOLD ME SHE WAS PREGNANT. YOU WANT TO HURT SOMEONE THEN HURT THE GUY WHO RAPED HER" Nick said before shoving him off and walking out of the room without another word. Selena looked at her father with tear in her eyes and shook her head. "How could you do that, he didn't do anything to you didn't listen. I'm here because of stress, I almost lost my baby...had nick not been there I probably would have." Tears rolled down her cheeks at the thought.

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