Arranging Fate Part 7

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Demi and Joe waited a bit before Mason stopped crying, Joe grabbed a hold of Demi's hand as they made their way to Masons room. They couldn't help but smile a little as they saw him laying down holding his blanket and sucking his thumb. Mason looked over at the door hearing it open, he slowly sat up when Demi and Joe leaned on his bed. His eyes were still a bit red and he would hiccup a little bit but he calmed down more when demi ran her fingers through his feathery brown hair.

"Were sorry we made you so upset buddy but you had to know what you did was wrong, so whenever you do something you're not supposed to do we will put you in time out." Joe said a little sternly knowing he didn't know any better because of what he's been through, Demi nodded agreeing with him. "No spanks?" Demi shook her head no which made Mason smile a little bit. "But buddy you gotta be careful with demi because she's having a baby." Mason looked around then looked at Joe confused. "Where's the baby?" Joe chuckled a bit "the baby is in Demi's tummy, and the conversation about how will be told when your 30" Demi gave him a look and shook her head. "What??...if we have a daughter it will be 50...she can't date till she's 60...75 if she looks as beautiful as you" Joe said with a little wink and Demi just laughed rolling her eyes a bit, But then she jumped a little in surprise feeling her shirt rise. They both looked down to see Mason staring intently at her growing baby bump; he dropped his blanket and placed both of his on it. He leaned down and gave her small bump a kiss which made both Demi and Joe coo at him, Mason then lightly patted Demi's tummy. "I sorry baby, can't wait to meet you."

Joe and Demi were so happy that he wasn't upset about the baby, whether he's there biologically or not this little boy had their hearts. "That was so cute Mason, I'm sure the baby says thank you" Demi said as she picked him up after pulling down her shirt. Demi kissed his cheek which made him smile even more. "Alright bud time for your bath, now no more hitting please." Mason nodded replying "ok joey", Joe smiled and kissed the little boys forehead. Demi put him on the ground and stripped him of his clothes and diaper, then Mason ran out the room giggling. Demi just signs before pecking Joes lips and rushing after Mason, Joe smiled as he listened to them laugh as she chased him. Joe let out a chuckle as he went down the stairs and to the kitchen; he started to continue from where Demi left off on their meal. He was cooking for about 15 minutes before he heard little feel making their way into the kitchen and arms wrapping around his right leg. Joe looked down to see Mason smiling at him; Joe returned the smile before picking him up. "Hey Mason where's Demi." Mason looked over Joes shoulder pointing towards the upstairs "getting dressed." Joe nodded ok before kissing Mason cheek which made Mason giggle. "Mason help joey??" Joe smiled and nodded before sitting Mason on the counter, making sure he wouldn't fall. He let Mason stir the mashed potatoes, Joe looked away for a minute to check on the chicken and Macaroni...when he looked back over he burst out laughing. Mason was licking the Mashed Potatoes off the spoon, some of it on his face.

Demi then walked into the kitchen and let out a sign shaking her head, she saw both Joe and Mason eating out of the mashed potato bowl. Mason then stopped when he saw demi; Joe looked towards her too...both boys giving her an innocent look. Demi just rolled her eyes and laughed taking their spoons, "I know you guys are hungry but try not to eat the food before dinner." Both Mason and Joe shrug a little bit and laughed giving each other a high five. "What am I gonna do with you two" Demi said before checking on the food, Joe picked up Mason and helped her check the food when there was a knock on the door. Demi looked towards the door quickly becoming nervous; Joe could see it on her face so he pulled her towards him and leaned down to give her a kiss. Demi kissed back before pulling away with a smile. "Everything will be fine Demi, it's just our parents" Demi nodded her head before going to the door and opening it, she was showered with hello's and hugs. Joe made his way out of the kitchen still holding Mason in his arms; Mason saw the people and immediately hid his face in the crook of joes neck. Everyone gathered in the living room sitting down, mason still hasn't said anything because hes kind of scared that they aren't nice.

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