Arranging Fate Part 9

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Its been 3 days....3 days since they took Mason, 3 days since Demi kicked joe out, 3 days since they have talked, 3 days since joe last slept or even eaten anything. Joe has been held up in Brad's house for those three days, in his guest room. Brad took joe back there after his break down in the gym, but his break down at the house was no better. Every night Joe would just cry...not even sleep....he needed to find Mason and he wasn't going to shut an eye until that happened. But today was the day of his fight, Joe to say the least isn't in the greatest shape. As for Demi well shes's been trying to keep occupied to not think about what has happened, during day 2 she found a note that said if she tried to call the police or do anything they will kill Mason. As much as she hated it, she couldn't do anything...but every day she slept in Masons room not being able to be away from it. At worked she looked a bit depressed...she tried not to be too upset because of the baby but she couldn't help it. Its now after her shoot and shes's talking to Karen

"You going to be alright demi??" Karen looked at Demi with concerned eyes just noticing her behavior wasn't right at all but Demi just nodded, a small smile coming to her lips as she turned to face Karen. "Yea...I'm going to Joes fight which starts in an hour. Even though we aren't talking right now, I promised to be there for him" Karen just nodded not really agreeing with the idea, just the idea of her being in the same room as Dominic gave her the creeps.

"Don't worry Karen I will have security in there with me...I just need to see Joe after what happened, see if hes ok" That was the last words Demi said before hugging Karen and walking to her car, paparazzi around her but she ignored them and got in. She drove to the Arena and a lot of people were there already, she parked and went inside where she saw Brad. She went up to him with a small smile which he returned. "How Is he" Demi whispered, Brad just signed and shook his head. "Demi...honestly....i couldn't tell you even if I knew because its hard to explain. Joe...a grown man came into our boxing arena crying, all he could say was its my fault, hes gone. Telling me you kicked him out....hes only done whats best for you and you do this. I'm just warning you Demi this fight is going to be a lot because he hasn't eaten or slept in 3 days, hes exhausted but wont quit." Demi couldn't help but tear up just thinking about what could happen. "You have to stop him Brad please" Demi begged, Brad just shook his head and pointed towards the locker room. Demi knew joe was in there so she slowly made her way in, she saw Joe leaned up against the lockers holding a picture of Her and Mason. Joe then turned his head to see Demi, he put the picture back in his locker and stood up. He was in his fighting shorts with no shirt.

"Joe i-." But joe held up his hand. "My guess is your sorry for yelling at me...for making me feel like the worse possible person in the who fucking world is that it? I know brad sent you in here but Demetria I'm not stopping this fight and you cant stop me." Tears fell down demi's cheek looking at the bags under his eyes...he looked weak. "Joe PLEASE I'm begging you don't do this" She grabbed his arm but he took it back and shook his head with tears In his eyes aswell. "I...I have to fight for Mason, even if it takes every last bit of energy out of me." Before Demi could say anything they called Joe to the ring...He walked away without another word, Demi let a small sob escape her lips which was masked by the cheers from the crowd as they announced the fighters. Demi wasn't gonna give up...she couldn't, she ran out the locker room hearing the bell. She pushed the crowd with a hand protectively over her stomach, she could hear their footsteps as they moved around the ring to start the fight. Demi went beside Brad who looked concerned for joe.

"I tried Brad but he wouldn't listen to me...he said he wanted to save Mason" Tears fell from Demi's eyes, Brad hugged her and rubbed her arm but not taking his eyes away from the fight. Demi watched as they threw punches at eachother, Joe got a few hits in and So did Dominic. Dominic then punched joe in the stomach which knocked the air out of him, He then round house kicked Joe. The audience gasped in horror as Joe fell to the floor, blood spilling from his nose and the side of his eye. The Ref Started counting...but Joe was barely moving. Demi then started to get even more hysteric. "JOE GET UP PLEASE...IM SORRY JOE IM SORRY I LOVE YOU JUST PLEASE GET UP" Joe slowly looked up to see Demi...His eyes sight was blurry and his head was killing him but he had to stay awake for his son but also Demi. Joe slowly got up holding onto the rope just as the ref said 8...Joe survived through the round, they took him to the locker room to clean him up. Demi walked in with them and stood infront of words...until joe said... "I'm Sorry"

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