Arranging Fate Part 4

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Joe adjusted himself a little bit more as they stepped down from their bungalow and onto the beach. It was a gorgeous site; Demi grabbed Joes hand so they could set up their towels under a shady spot she saw. Joe laid his towel down and then turned to demi to say something but stopped mid-sentence when he saw her putting her towel down behind over just inches away from his penis. Demi noticed and decided to play it off like she didn't know he was there, so she leaned back a little bit and rubbed against him. Then pretended to jump in surprise like she didn't see him, Joe was repressing a groan but then plastered a smile on his face as she looked up at time.

"I'm so sorry Joe didn't even know you were standing to close" Demi said innocently but in her mind she was smirking like crazy. Joe just nodded his head and smiled not trusting his voice, still feeling that groan not too far down his throat. "Well then let's go in the water joe, no need to stand there looking so stiff" Demi said in a joking tone.

"Oh demi if I could I would trust me" Joe said mostly serious but half joking aswell. Demi let out a laugh and grabbed his hand before walking to the water, he intertwined their fingers as they continued to walk into the water was about up to their waists. Not many people were on the beach since it was a bit late but they didn't care, Joe wrapped his arms around demi from behind and rest his head on her shoulder. Demi smiled and kissed his cheek before running her fingers through his hair, she love the feeling of his hair but he did need to shave. Then demi got an idea, quickly looking around she then took a deep inhale which made her butt rise a bit and rub against joes Penis through his shorts. His breath hitched as it started to harden once again.

"you know you have awoken the beast got a moan out of me well joseph two can play at that game" Demi whispered before kissing his jawline and walking out of the water swaying her hips as she went back to the towels. Joe stood there a bit shocked but then shook his head a bit and followed aswell, they laid down on their towels and just looked up at the sky cuddling with each other. Telling stupid stories and just laughing at each other but then demi got on top of Joe, straddling his lap. She giggled feeling the tent in his swim trunks but then she leaned down near his ear, he could feel her breath and that made him gulp a bit loudly.

"I was thinking that maybe we could fix your problem back at the room...I may need a shower joey because I'm very dirty" Demi placed a kiss on his neck and smirked when he groaned but then squealed in surprise when Joe got up holding her, hands placed under her thighs holding her up. He then smashed his lips onto hers as he made his way back to the room, only breaking the kiss when they got to the steps and went inside. Demi got down from his hold and pulls him by his trunks to the bathroom; she then turned on the shower making sure it was warm before stripping out of her bikini. Joe just stared as Demi stepped into the shower but then her hand peeked out telling him to come in, he quickly took his shorts off before getting in. He pressed demi up against the wall kissing her again, his tapped her thighs lightly making her jump a bit and he held her up. Demi's hands were lightly tugging on his hair as he kissed down her neck and on her chest a little bit.

"you sure you wanna do this?...i know this is our honeymoon but I don't wanna rush y-." he was cut off by Demi kissing him and then she pulled away looking deeply into his eyes before replying "its ok Joe"...he slowly entered her, he groaned as she left a few scratches on his back getting use to him. She then moan out in pleasure as he kept going, screaming for more and matching his thrusts both of them calling each other's names breathlessly...they went on for a bit before climaxing together. The water lightly hitting their bodies but they didn't notice, they were looking at each other trying to catch their breaths. Joe turned off the water and carried her out the shower; her forehead was pressed against his with a big smile on her face. He put her down and dried both of them off; they both decided clothes were overrated and laid in their bed naked after getting completely dry. They got under the covers; Demi laid her head on Joe's chest using her finger to draw shapes on his chest. Joe stroked Demi's hair with the free hand that wasn't wrapped around her waist; they laid there in a comfortable silence until their light snores filled the room.

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