Arranging FatePart 8

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Demi walked into the kitchen with her arms crossed and a look on her face that mean...uh oh. "Joe what the hell is that??...your lucky Mason is upstairs taking a nap because if he had seen that he would think hitting was ok. What were you thinking" Demi said sternly...Joe rubbed his hands across his face and then ran his fingers through his hair. "Demi you don't know what happened in that store, ok that video has no audio. Hell I didn't know anyone was filming us but he fucking started it so I ended it." Demi then shook her head trying to grasp what was going on. "Ok then make me understand Joe because it's not like you to go into a store then come out and end up on the news like that."

Joe signed before turning to look at her fully. "Alright...when I was in there I was minding my business I swear I was. He and my ex-girlfriend that he took from me in high school were there...he talked all this trash about you and I lost it. Next thing I know his nose is bleeding and she's telling me that I will regret it as I was leaving the store. He said he would make you and Mason call him daddy, I just...couldn't let him get away with that." Joe shook his head as the situation replayed in his head but was then shocked to feel Demi's lips on his but he kissed back wrapping his arms around her waist. "Thank you Joe, for standing up for us. Trust me I will never be with him, the only guy I want is you. Don't let him get to you joe...and if it makes you feel any better, seeing you angry really turned me on" Demi said with a smirk, Joe smirked back before pulling her a bit closer.

"Oh Demetria don't wake the beast if you can't tame him" Joe said before Demi leaned up and kissed his neck then whispered in his ear "oh I can tame the beast joe, but the real question is can you handle how I tame it" Joe shivered a little bit before crashing his lips onto her, Demi moaned a little in surprised but kissed back. They pulled away breathlessly after a minute, Demi was leaned against the counter and Joe had his hands on both sides of her. They were both breathing hard as Joe began to talk. "How long do you think Mason will be asleep" Demi made a face to think "hes been asleep for a little over 10 I say we have a little bit"

Joe nodded his head and said good before picking her up and running to their room. He kicked the door shut quietly before smashing his lips onto hers; clothes were being shed as they felt onto the bed naked. "Did I ever tell you how much I love you and your pregnancy hormones" Demi couldn't help but let out a laugh and did joe too before she leaned up and kissed him while running her fingers through his hair. Joe then gently thrusted inside of her causing demi to moan into the kiss, then pull away taking a breath. They would kiss to mask the moans so they wouldn't wake mason, they went on for a while before climaxing and then laying under the sheets catching their breath.

"I should really be cooking dinner" Joe said while trying to catch his breath, Demi just nodded in agreement before they gave each other one more kiss. Quickly getting dressed and going back downstairs, both of them couldn't stop smiling while beginning to cook. Joe was fixing the sauce and didn't notice Demi pull out her phone, she went up behind him quickly kissing his cheek and taking a picture which made him chuckle. She then posted on their Joint Instagram called JemiLove suggested by the fans, the caption said "Love this guy, Best Husband Ever"-Demi. Joe then took the phone from her which made her pout a little bit but then smile when she saw what he was doing, he leaned in and kissed her then took a picture and captioned it "Love Of my Life"-Joe. After a few silly pictures and goofing off but also some kisses, Demi went to go check on Mason who was awake now. Luckily dinner was finished; she put him in his high chair as joe brought out his little bowl of spaghetti. Mason squealed with joe and began to eat, didn't take long before sauce was all over his mouth.

"oh Mason...I swear I need to give you five baths a day" Demi said laughing, Mason just smiled taking another fork of spaghetti. Joe and Demi were eating, having a small conversation with Mason about his stuffed penguin named LooLoo. Why he named it that they have no idea but they just encouraged him to talk more since he didn't know many words. After they were finished and Mason was done mushing food into his mouth, Joe volunteered to do the dishes. Demi took mason to the living room to play, While Joe was washing the dishes he heard a crash and screams. He rushed to the living room to see a brick that crashed through the window; Demi was holding Mason who was crying. There was a note tied to it...Joe picked it up and read it.. "Your Hell Has Arrived". Joe looked out the window...thoughts concerning his family but he knew he may have been doing this.

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