Arranging Fate Part 14

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It has been an hour since the C-Section...Demi woke up but hasn't said a word since she was in the room. Joe didn't allow any of the family in the room except Mason who was sleeping on the hospital couch in the room. Joe just paced the room....he needed to know about his daughter, he needed to know she was alright and he wouldn't sleep till he did. The doctor then came in with a look of relief but a small bit of worry aswell...Joe walked towards the bed and at next to Demi so that they could hear what he has to say, Joe felt Demi grab his hand and squeeze. He brung up her hand and kissed her hand before they looked up at the doctor.

"How's our baby?? Please tell me she's alright" Demi said pleadingly. Joe just sat there staring at the doctor hoping that he would have good news and he wouldn't have to bury their first child together....inside he was screaming and breaking down but on the outside....he kept himself composed. "Right now your baby is in an incubator. We have her on a breathing tube...we managed to get her to open her eyes and get her to take a small and I mean very small first breath...she hasn't cried yet but for now she's working on being alright." Demi let out a breath of relief and Joe did the same while running his fingers through his hair. "Can we see her?" joe asked really wanting to see his baby girl for the first time since he barely saw her when they were in the delivery room.

"You can go joe but Demi has to stay. You just got stitched up and are going to be going through a painful healing process if you move around too much, you will see your daughter later but right need to just lay here." The doctor said but demi wasn't happy with that answer at all. "no SCREW THAT, I WANNA SEE MY DAUGHTER. I WENT THROUGH PAIN....THEN TO WATCH MY DAUGHTER GET RUSHED OUT THE ROOM....I WANT SEE HER" Demi said fighting back tears. Joe made demi look at him, she did and he could see the angry and hurt in her eyes. "Listen love I will go for us ok?...i will take a picture of our need to stay here and heal, I don't need you popping a stich and bleeding. I just want you to stay here while I check on our princess" Joe said pleadingly...Demi then nodded her head while signing....she didn't want to but she knew she needed to heal up for her baby girl. Joe kissed her before getting up and following the doctor to the NICU....the doctor let him into a room full of incubators till they came to a sign that said Jonas on it. Joe's eyes teared up when he saw his little girl laying in the incubator. His little hand in a fist...the tube going down her throat...but she was beautiful...he put his hand through the hold and she wrapped her little hand around his finger which made him smile. He then took a chair and sat down, just looked at her....he couldn't take his eyes off her

"Hi princess its so sorry you had to go through this but you are mommy and daddy's little warrior. I can't wait for you to meet you mommy, you look just like her....just beautiful beyond words and your big brother Mason he's excited too. He talked to you all the time....gave you kisses.....but I just need you to fight for mommy, daddy and Mason ok....i want my little healthy princess" Joe said through a teary whisper....he didn't want to be loud but he wanted her to hear him. He watched as her little body moved a she was trying to say something to him...that made him smile through his tears. He then slowly slid his finger out of her fist before taking out his phone and snapping a quick picture making sure there was no flash. He looked at the picture and smiled, he couldn't wait to show Demi.

"Sir we have to leave now the babies need to have checkup" The doctor said poking his head into the room, Joe nodded before following the doctor out of the room. As he got back to Demi's room he saw that her and Mason were sitting on the bed together, Demi playing peek-a-boo with him which still makes him giggle even though he's getting older. Mason would grab her hands as she covered her eyes and would take them away for her...Demi would then lean in and give him kisses which made him laugh. Joe smiled....this being the happiest hes seen demi since before the C-Section, Demi looked over and smiled at him. Joe walked over and gave Mason a kiss before handing Demi the phone, Mason sat on Demi's lap wanting to see. Demi teared up seeing their little baby girl for the first time

Arranging Fate (Jemi Story)Where stories live. Discover now