Arranging Fate Part 12

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Joe calmed her down and have a minute her sobs had stopped but tears were still falling a bit. Joe pulled away from the hug he looked down at her and was shocked, he hadn't really noticed the bloody nose since she hugged him so quickly, he looked down at his shirt and sure enough their was some blood on it. "Selena what the hell happened to your face?" Joe said holding her face gently by her chin and moving it around to see if theirs more bruises or anything on her face, Selena just shook her head and moved his hands. "I'm fine...we need to check on Nick right now Joe." Joe hesitated but nodded and helped her outside, as they got outside Nick and Justin were sat at two ambulances, Nick was getting cleaned up and so was Justin but they were still giving each other mean mugs.

"Stay here while I talk to him first...or yell whichever one comes out first." Before Joe could go anywhere his phone rang and he saw that it was demi...he noticed it was almost midnight so that means she must have woken up for a snack, he answered it. "Hey babe" Joe said calmly trying not to let his anger towards nick come out just yet. "Hey so what happened with she ok??" Demi asked with concern filling her voice. "Talk to her and she will tell you but I need to go check on my brother" Joe said before handing the phone to Selena, Joe then walked to his brother who had a bruise on his cheek, a small black eye and a busted lip. Justin had the same but also other things...Joe stood infront of Nick with his arms crossed and a unhappy face.

"Joe I –." Nick started but Joe cut him off by putting his hand up. "Save it...Have you lost your damn mind Nicholas? Having a fight with that piece of shit...let me ask you you know where selena is or what even happened to her?"Joe ask with a little bit of anger lingering in his voice...part of him understood why he fought but another part knows that it only starts drama. Nicks eyes widen a little bit. "Shit Shit...where is she joe...and what do are you talking about...what happened to her??" Nick asked with his voice full of worry, Joe pointed towards her. Selena was still talking to Demi while holding a tissue to her nose...Nick then looked back at Joe in shock.

"What happened to her nose?" Joe just shrugged not knowing what happened completely. "I don't know but you need to go over there and apologize to her Nick, starting all of this caused her to think this was her fault. How the hell did you two even end up fighting?" Joe asked...Nick looked a little ashamed knowing he threw the first punch but he didn't regret it. "He was talking about Selena....Joe I wasn't gonna let him get away with that. Ok I like her a lot Joe and I may have just killed my chances by ruining our first date" Nick said through a sigh before leaning back on the ambulance...Joe just looked at him then chuckled a bit before putting his hands on Nicks shoulders.

"Trust me dude she's crazy about you. All she wanted to do is see if you were ok...she dosent want him in any way, she just wants you. As for the first date...yea this one is pretty much ruined" Nick groaned but Joe laughed a little and continued. "But...dosent mean you cant have a second chance little bro. now go over and talk to with her..." Joe said and Nick nodded, both the Jonas boys soon found themselves infront of Selena. Selena gave the phone back to joe before looking at Nick...Nick looked guilty for what he had done, so he looked down not able to look at her anymore. "Selena I'm sorry this first date was so horrible...had I known he would still he here I wouldn't have brought you here. I just hope that you can forgive me and will go on another date with me to make up for this one."

Nick didn't hear anything so he assumed she was upset till he heard laughter...he frowned his brows up a bit...and looked at her with a bit of confusion. She looked at him with a smile on her face...which confused him more. "Nicholas...I cant stay mad at you. Of course ill go on another date with you knucklehead...aside from my ex...this night was fun." She then hesitated a little bit before lifiting her hand up to his face and running her fingers along is bruise, Nick closed his eyes loving her touch but was also in slight pain since the bruise was fresh. He opened his eyes and smiled at her "How about I take you home and we talk more tomorrow" Nick said...Selena nodded and he held her hand tangling their fingers. They said bye to Joe who left to the store to buy Demi more ice cream and pickles...which was her craving at the moment. Nick drove selena home...not once dropping her hand.

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