Arranging Fate Part 11

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Demi closed the fridge and looked at Joe, he had a worried yet stern look on his face. Demi went to him and took Mason, setting him down on the floor bending down a bit to his height but enough to where she can still get up.

"hun go to the living room and watch TV, play with your toys while mommy talks to daddy? Then we can eat" Demi smiled as Mason nodded his head and puckered his little lips, Demi giggled before pecking his lips. Mason then ran to Joe and hugged his leg, Joe smiled and ruffled his hair before Mason ran to the living room to watch TV.

"Ok so please explain to me what the hell happened to our son" Joe said with a slightly angry look on his face, Demi signed before running her fingers through her hair. "Ok so I had to pick him up in the middle of his school day because...the teacher told me to pick him up because he was being bad. I go in there to see students eating and Mason in the corner crying his eyes out, I look and I see the bruise forming....they hit him for some reason but I have no idea why but Joe I'm taking care of it" Dem" said sternly knowing how joe was going to react

"No demi can handle things just fine...I may be a little hurt b-." Demi cut Joe off and put her hands on her hips. "A little?....joe you were shot three times, one of those times being close to your heart. Now I'm gonna say this once and only once...joseph take your butt to that couch, you should be resting anyway"

"Demi I'm fine, you're the one whos pregnant. I need to be taking care of you and if that means pushing through pain and not giving a damn then fine that's what I will do." Joe went to turn around but Demi stepped infront of the stove, carefully not the burn herself. She crossed her arms and looked at him with a very intense glare. "Joseph Adam Jonas...if you don't take your ass to that couch right now...I will kick you butt" Joe rolled his eyes but smiled, Demi kept giving him the look and after a minute he signed and started walking out of the kitchen. Demi turned to keep cooking but Joe turned around.

"But babe cant I just-." He couldn't even finish before Demi raised the spoon pointing towards the living room without even looking at him, Joe signed and went to the living room and sat on the couch. Mason smiled and climbed onto the couch to sit with him, he crawled in-between joes legs and lay against his stomach while sucking his thumb. Joe smiled and lightly stroked his hair they watched TV together. Demi was in the kitchen taking out the chicken then as she was stirring the mac and cheese her phone rang, she picked up her cell phone to see it was selena calling. That could only mean two things...either she was in trouble or...something about boys.

"Hey Sel whats up?" Demi asked with a smile, this was the first time she heard from Selena since joe was in the hospital which wasn't too long ago but Selena has been busy with her job that they didn't have much time to always talk. "Hey demz, not much I just really really need your help" Selena said with a slight panic in her voice. "You didn't lock your keys in your car again did you?" Demi said through a small laugh, Demi laughed a little more when she knew selena was rolling her eyes at the statement.

"It was ONE time Demi...but anyway no...I have a date tonight" Selena said with a smile and laughed when Demi squealed a little bit. "that's amazing it with who I think it is??" Selena could feel herself blushing on the otherside of the phone but nodded even though demi couldn't see her. "Yea its with Nick" Demi couldn't help but "Aww" at her which made Selena blush more. "Hush Demi...I'm panicing here. Hes taking me to my favorite restaurant and I have no clue what to wear" Selena said with even more panic in her voice. "I don't want this to go like how mine and justins last date was at the same restaurant Demz...I just...I didn't want to say anything about it."

Demi signed knowing Selena was still hurting a bit from the whole Justin think, he was so bad to her but Nick was perfect for her and they needed to make this happened. "Come to my house and we will make you look drop dead gorgeous, Justin will wish he never cheated on you and will be falling on his knees to get your back but right now....We gonna get Nick for you. I promise things will be different Sel, Don't let Justin justify your future." Selena couldn't help but smiling knowing she was right.

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