Arranging Fate Part 5

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after a long day and a lot of apologizing to interviewers she had to cancel on and an apology to Jimmy she went home. As she drove home couldn't stop thinking about the little baby growing in her tummy, she smiled but in the back of her mind she was panicking. What if Joe didn't want the baby? What if he left her? What would she do with a child on her own? She shook her head as she pulled into the driveway, Joes car was parked on the other side which made her smile. She loved him so much it was crazy, she couldn't live without him and now they were having a child together. Demi got out of the car sliding the sonogram into her bag making sure no one could see it before she made her way inside. Demi went inside the house and took off her coat then her shoes; she smiled smelling something amazing coming from the kitchen. She also saw heard Joe singing, he was singing Take Back The Night by Justin Timberlake which was basically his favorite song. She walked to the kitchen and giggled quietly watching joe dance around while singing in just his boxers, demi crossed her arms and leaned against the wall just watching him...also pulling out her phone and recording it. Joe continued cooking and shaking his booty, he then hit a spin and stopped before looking up and seeing demi. He stiffened seeing her laughing while holding her phone; Joe blushed before shyly scratching the back of his neck.

"so how much of that did you see?" Joe said blushing a bit more as demi stopped recording and looked straight at him.

"Well I was here for basically everything, including this" She turned around and shook her booty before spinning and stopped looking at him, she then started laughing again as Joe just crossed and pouted.

"Come on dems it's not that funny, I didn't know you were home and I just decided to have a bit of fun" Joe said still pouting. Demi just giggled and went over to him; she kissed his pout before wrapping her arms around his middle.

"I know babe and it was cute I swear, the 1 minute video I have of you doing that was adorable" Demi said with a small smirk, Joe just rolled his eyes and shook his head while smiling knowing she would use it as some serious black mail.

"So I heard you got sick today are you alright??" Joe asked a bit worried, now his arms wrapped around her middle. Demi looked a little panicked for a second before giving him a sweet smile and pecking his lips. "I'm perfectly fine joseph it was just a little stomach bug" Demi hated lying to him but she just needed to talk to her mom or something, figure out how to tell him because she doesn't know his take on having kids.

"As long as you're alright" Joe said with a smile. Demi gave him a weak smile before pulling away from the hug. "I'm gonna go change into something more comfortable, what are we having for dinner chef Jonas" Demi asked peering over his shoulder to look at the stove. Joe turned around and stirred what was on the pot. "Fettuccine alfredo, thought I'd make something simple and not burn down our house" Demi giggled in agreement before kissing his cheek and jogging up the stairs. They were still unpacking but their bedroom was mostly completely. Demi ended up putting on shorts and a tank top but before she put on her top she looked in the mirror, she rubbed her fingers across her forming bump which made her smile.

"Don't worry baby I'll tell daddy about you soon, mommy's just worried about how he will take it" Demi whispered before putting on her shirt. She went down to see the table set, they ate and just talked about their day. After that Joe did the dishes but suggested they watch a movie till they got tired which demi thought was a great idea so they could relax finally. They decided to watch the movie minions, got a blanket and they laid on the couch together. Demi laid in between joes legs with her head on his chest, Joe had his arms wrapped around demi but his hands rest on her tummy as if he knew but he had no idea. He mindlessly just leg his fingers glide across her tummy and rub it softly, Demi couldn't help but tear up a bit knowing she knew but he didn't. she wanted to scream to the world she was having a baby with the man she loved....but she first had to tell him but the question is how?. She shook that thought out of her head and just snuggled deeper into Joes, she felt a kiss on her head which made her look up and smile at him. Joe returned the smile before looking back at the movie but Demi just looked at Joe, she was inlove....she was also pregnant.

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