Arranging Fate Part 17

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Demi sat there stunned as Selena wiped away her tears not wanting to cry anymore, she was scared and didn't know what to do. She was more then likely having a baby by the man who took away her innocence...she didn't want that, she wanted her first child to be with Nick but if she was pregnant she couldn't just give up her baby...she just couldn't.

"Does Nick know about this??" Demi asked and she let out a breath as Selena shook her head no, she didn't know how to tell him...she honestly didn't even want to be in this situation but she was. "I don't know what to say to him Demi, I don't want him to feel odd knowing I'm having another man's baby. He deserves to be with someone who will give him a child of his own." Selena said looking down at her nails...But demi just shook her head and took her hands causing Selena to look up at her. "Hun...anyone can be a dad but it's the man who takes care of the child who is the Father. I'm telling you Nick will stay with you even if you were having a baby with an alien...he loves you that much, he knows you didn't mean for this to happen and it was Justin's fault....things happen but you cant keep this from him, he will find out or the media will and that will cause a frenzy" Demi said truthfully...being very honest with her not wanting her to fall into any deep trouble, she already had enough on her plate as it was.

"I know that Demi but its hard...I love him and I don't want to force him to raise another guys child just because were together but ill see what he says tonight. Ill tell him but I don't want to do it now because its my little nephews birthday and I wanna give him a lot of kisses and hugs right now" Selena said with a smile on her face which made Demi laugh and nod in agreement, when they went back outside Demi announced it was time for Cake so everyone surrounded the table where the cake was sat. Joe was holding Mason and Demi had been handed Sophia as everyone sung happy birthday, Mason just smiled and looked around at everyone before blowing out the candles with the help of mom and dad of course. He didn't really make a wish but he just thought it was funny to see the flame dance around, cake was then passed out to everyone. Joe was sat with Mason at a small table eating cake, Demi took Sophia inside to change her and feed her aswell. She loved the bonding time they always had together, after about 5 minutes they made their way back down to the party but as they were walking outside Joe walked inside with Cake all over his face. Demi began to laugh and Sophia smiled at her father who looked very silly right now, Joe just gave her a look before shaking his head and chuckling a bit. "Joe I know the cake was good but that doesn't mean you gotta push it through you face" Demi said through a laugh, Joe just shook his head before starting to the kitchen. "Our son took it upon himself to feed me...reminds me to thank him with birthday tickles later" joe said as he entered the kitchen.

"Will do cake face" Demi said through a giggle that turned to a laugh when Joe playfully glared at her through the open wall of the kitchen, she then went back outside as Sophia started falling asleep in her arms. She sat down in a chair as Mason began to open his presents...she hadn't seem him so happy, I mean since they got him he was always a happy kid but this was the day he never stopped smiling and it was warming his parents hearts. Joe sat next to Demi and took Sophia from her, Sophia whined a little bit before curling into her fathers warmth and going back to sleep. He kissed her head and rubbed her back to sooth her so she would stay asleep, For the rest of the party they watched Mason smile and play with his friends. To continue the party Demi and Joe allowed Mason to have a sleepover with 3 of his friends...At this point the party was over, Everyone has gone home except masons friends Kyle, Ryan and Haden...they were sweet little boys.

Demi sent them upstairs to play while Sophia was sleeping in her room...Joe and Demi were cleaning up, putting away the food. As Demi was cleaning the counter Joe came up behind her and planted a kiss on her neck, causing her to shutter a bit but smirk a bit turning around to look at him. "Our boy is two years old now" Joe said with a smile, Demi leaned up and peck his lips before they leaned their foreheads against each other's. "cant tell me how many times I cried hearing that" Demi said through a small giggle, Joe chuckled before leaning down and capturing her lips in a passionate kiss. It was just about to get deep till they heard giggles coming from the kitchen entrance, they pulled away to see the four boys giggling and saying "Ewwwww"...Joe pecked Demi's lips before letting out a roar and chasing the boys as they ran away screaming with laughter. Demi just shook her head and smiled as she watch them run around like crazy

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