Arranging Fate Part 3

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Demi and Joe have been going out as an actual couple for 4 months, they couldn't be happier. They were everywhere as the newest Hollywood couple, everyone wants to see what they will do next or see their romantic moments. From the tweets on twitter to the comments on Facebook pages people created for "Jemi", everyone loves Jemi. Right now they just entered a building for their Ryan Seacrest interview, once in the room they shake hands with everyone then sit down as the interview commences.

"you're on air with Ryan Seacrest and right now I have the rumored Hollywood couple Demi Lovato and Joe Jonas also known as Jemi, how are you guys doing today?" Ryan asked with a smile looking over at Joe and Demi who returned the smile.

"Were really good pretty happy nowadays, been loving the support from all the fans around the world their amazing" Demi said, her smile got a little bigger when she felt joe take her hand under the table and laced their fingers together.

"Sounds great but now we wanna know the question on everyone's mind, is Jemi real? Are you guys actually dating?"

"We are, we have been dating for about 4 months now and I would like to say Demi is an amazing girl and I don't wish to be with anyone else" Joe said with a cheesy grin making everyone "awe" and demi blush a little as he kissed her hand.

"You heard it here folks Jemi is real it was confirmed right here" Ryan Seacrest said with a smile on his face giving the loving couple a thumbs and a smile. They kept talking for a while about how their careers were going and the future but then Ryan had an interesting question. "So are you guys thinking about marriage anytime soon??"

"Oh no not anytime soon, in the distant future maybe but as of right now were just enjoying the moments we have" Joe said honestly with demi nodding along to what he said agreeing with every word. After a few more questions and laughter they left the studio and got into the limo with Joes agent Terry.

"so we have a meeting the both of you need to attend its urgent, sorry we couldn't exactly warn you ahead of time" Terry said while texting away on his phone, Joe rolled his eyes slightly annoyed while demi giggled a little at his actions.

"for what now? Every time I see you you're up to something" Joe said throwing his hands up dramatically to express his annoyance. But before they could get an answer from him they pulled up to a wedding chapel, Demi and joe were confused especially when the parking lot was full of cars.

"Umm this is a wedding chapel...why are we here?? Who's getting married?" Demi questions as her and Joe were ushered out of the car and walked inside.

"Patience my sweet Demetria you will find out soon enough" Terry said with a sweet yet sickening voice. Before Demi could say anything else these girls in dresses ushered her away to another room saying she needed to get ready.

"What the hell, where are they taking her? Terrence what the fuck is going on here?" Just then Brad walked over wearing a tuxedo; he had a smile on his face as he patted Joe on the back.

"Congratulations joe, I didn't know you and demi were getting married already. Hell didn't know you proposed to her."

"Oh yea I-....WAIT WHAT??" Joe said with wide eyes, shocked as ever. His eyes then turned to furry and anger as he looked at Terry who said "surprise, you're getting married to Demi"...Joe then took him by his shirt and slammed him against the wall. The men in the room were frantic trying to get Joe off him but he wouldn't let go.

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN I'M GETTING MARRIED?" Joe exclaimed loudly right in Terrys face.

"Joe joe calm down let him go" brad said trying to grab joes arm but Joe just pushed him back, tightening his hold on Terry who looked a bit scared.

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