Chapter 47

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<Hope's p.o.v>

We ended up having cookie dough flavour.

At first I was hesitant to eat it, but Xavier coaxed me on.

I took a bite, and it left my mouth feeling like it just got touched by heavens wings.

It was amazing!

I hastily chucked more down my throat.

For a moment, all my worries had been forgotten.

For a moment.

It only took one look at my scarred wrist to bring my spirits down again.

This was all his fault.

He did this to me.

I slowed down my eating by a comdoserable pace, and Xavier looked at me, worried.

"Hope, are you oka--" He never got to finish his sentance, because I rushed to the toilet, feeling acid rise up in my throat.

I dashed into the toilets and I threw up all the ice cream I had just devoured.

Then, I threw up again.

I collapsed to the floor, my legs too weak to carry my body, and I cried.

Rebecca and Hana came rushing in, and they saw the puke in the sink and saw me sitting down on the floor, crying.

They rushed over to me.

"Shh, Hope. Its okay, shh. You were probably allergic to the ice cream, that's okay. I'm allergic to gluten." They were trying to help, but it wasn't working.

"I-I-It's n-not th-e i-i-ice crea-m." I stuttered out.

This confused them.

"What do you think it is, then?" Rebecca asked me softly.

"I-I wa-s-s th-thinking abo-ut-t H-Harvey." I told them.

Hana bit her lip and looked at Rebecca.

"Its okay, he's not going to get you. We'll make sure of that." Hana soothed.

"B-but th-thats wh-y I'm w-w-woried. I do-n't w-want t-to brin-g-g yo-u g-guys down w-with me." I whispered.

Rebecca paused.

"We're your friends. Its our job. And if we didn't want that, we would have left you already."

I smiled slightly, before I stood up again, and puked one last time.

I fell to the floor in a fresh fit of tears.

Rebecca mumbled something to Hana, who ran out of the toilets.

"Hey, Hope. Listen. He isn't going to get to you if we have anything to do with it." I carried on sobbing sobs which wracked my body, so hard.

My world was crumbling apart as I knew it.

Harvey was now in the picture, and he was tearing everything apart.

It was torture.

Then, Xavier, Blake and Corey burst in, with Xavier leading the way.

He saw the sick in the sink and then myself, and he flung himself to my side.

He grabbed my hand, and looked me straight in the eye.

"Don't do this to yourself, Hope. I mean it. Don't let him bring you down, because that would mean he has won, and I won't stand for that." I looked away.

"No, I'm serious, Hope. Don't do this." I looked him in the eye, and I threw my body at him in a ginormous bear hug.

I rested my chin against his shoulder, and I let the tears wash down my face.

I closed my eyes, and I was slowly drifting off to sleep again.

<Xavier's p.o.v>

I carried her out of the shop, and in to my car, leaving a bill on the table.

Everyone else followed.

I placed Hope in the backseat, and I started up the car.

Seeing Hope like that, it honestly just broke my heart.

How could just one person affect her as much as that?

He must have done some pretty horrible things to make her like that.

Ibshuddered, and fixed down the thoughts by concentrating on my driving.

I took everyone back to my place.

I laid Hope down in my bed, and we all gathered round her (well, my) bed.

"What do we do?" Corey asked.

I pressed a hand to my forehead, and sighed.

"I have no idea." I said, my voice cracking in the middle.

"Well, we haven't a clue where he is at the moment, so we can't do anything but to constantly have someone watching over Hope."

"I'll do it." I said immediately.

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