Chapter 14

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Elizabeth's POV

"HELLO?? IS IT THE PIZZA GUY?" I heard an Irish accent yell.

"No it's Harry. Let us in." Harry replied.

I heard footsteps rushing to the door, and I wondered who it was. I was a bit nervous to see if they liked me. What if they didn't like me? I mean I'm not a model or a celebrity or remotely famous. Did that matter to them?

I heard a lock turn, the door swung wide open and someone crushed me in a bear hug.

"Hello Elizabeth! I'm Louis!" A voice shouted right in my ear.

"Hi Louis. I can't breath." I was getting squished almost tighter and tighter by this guy.

"Whoops, sorry love." He replied and let go, taking a step back and actually looking at me.

I took a deep breath and said "I'm Elizabeth. Nice to meet you."

"Likewise!" He singsonged.

I heard a huge crack of thunder and jumped. Rain started falling lightly, but getting heavier each second.

"Well," Harry spoke up, "I think we should be going in now. Its raining."

"Good idea." Louis nodded his head thoughtfully. This guy was a goofball. "Right this way m'lady." He hooked his arm with mine and skipped into the house. I had to run awkwardly to keep up. He was taller than me so I had to reach my shoulder forward, but he told me to skip, so I did. Harry walked behind us.

We made it to the living room. I bet we looked crazy. Me and Lou skipping arm in arm, and Harry just walking. But it must've been normal for Louis because the boys didn't react much.

"Boys, this is Elizabeth. My girlfriend." Harry said proudly.

"Is this the one we've seen in the pictures on the news? Hello Elizabeth, I'm Liam." The brown haired one made his way to me and shook my hand with a smile.

"I'm Louis!!!!" Louis shouted from besides me. "I know!" I replied.

"I'm Niall." The one shoving his face with food said in an Irish accent. Didn't he ask if the pizza was here? While he's already eating? Boys.

"I'm Zayn. The one with the dark hair and tan skin said. Getting up and also shaking my hand. They were much more formal with me than Lou, I laughed to myself. Louis really was crazy, in a good way.

The tv celebrity news was on.

"Harry Styles is again seen with a girl, who we've now come to know as Elizabeth Adams, at a local Starbucks." A picture of me at the Starbucks was then shown in the screen. How did they know my name?

"A camera man tried to get closer but was stopped by Styles and taken out by security."

A video shot from the outside of the Starbucks was shown. It showed the camera man break from the group and rush inside. When he got in, you saw Harry pull me into him and kick his camera to the floor. Harry stood up and talked madly to the man and security took him away.

"Harry Styles seemed very mad at the man who scared his girlfriend. Some form of punishment will be given, but we have no further information at this time."

My phone rang. The caller ID said Ashley. Oh brother.

"Excuse me for one second." I said politely. They all nodded and I stepped into the bathroom.

I picked up. "Hello."

"Oh hello Elizabeth. How are you?"

"Good how are you?" I knew I'd get it.

"Fine, until I saw my best friend on the news with Harry Styles! How could you not tell me where you were going?" She rushed.

"You didn't ask!"

"I thought you were running an errand or something! But nooooo, you were meeting up with Harry."

"We decided to go public, not hide anymore."

"You could of told me!"

"I'm sorry. It was spur of the moment."

"Fine. Ok. You are forgiven." She said. "Are you ok? You looked pretty shaken up when the guy ran towards you guys." Wow she forgave me pretty quick.

"Yeah it was scary. He was coming at full speed pushing the camera in our faces. But Harry took care if me." I said, I was so grateful he did.

"Yeah I could see that." I could practically hear her smiling through the phone.

"Whatever! Hey I gotta go. They're probably waiting."

"Wait! Where are you now?"

"Their house."

"Oh my god Eliza-"

"Bye!" I hung up quickly.

I walked out of the bathroom and back into the living room.

"Are you okay?" Zayn asked me. "That's not a very good first experience with the paparazzi."

I sighed. "Yeah I'm ok. It just shook me up a little. I can't imagine having them in your face 25/7."

"You might want to get used to it for a while. Because as long as you're Harry's girlfriend, your gonna get some." Niall said, and Louis smirked at his last comment. "And not in that way!!" Niall shouted at Louis who was cracking up.

"Oh yes in that way!" He shouted and Harry rolled his eyes.

"Well," Harry said, "I'm gonna put on some tea." He walked to the kitchen leaving me alone with the boys.

Thunder cracked loudly and I jumped. "It's gonna be a big storm." Liam said. "Look."

I hadn't noticed they had changed it to the weather, and I could see a huge mass of red moving towards us.

I heard more thunder and the lights went off. I gasped, and sat down. I heard a curse from the kitchen and ran in with the boys, knocking into things as we went and helping each other along.

Through the small bit of light through the window, I could faintly make out Harry sitting in the floor holding his hand.

"What happened??" Liam asked as everybody else looked to him with concern.

"I just burnt my hand. I'm ok." He replied trying to stand up. I helped him up.

"Are you sure?" Liam asked, eyeing the spot on his hand that was already turning red.


"Put some ice on it." Liam said, grabbing ice from the freezer and putting it into a bag. He handed it to him and Harry smiled.

After that mini heart attack, everyone stumbled into the living room, the lights still out, and sat down on the couch.

"So..." Louis began. "How's life?"


Hello! I hope that chapters longer, I tried to make it long for you guys;).

Ill try to do another update but I don't know if I can but I will deffinetely do one tomorrow:)

Hope you liked it!!

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