Chapter 31

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Elizabeth's POV

We got to the hospital and saw the boys waiting for us. They all looked concerned, but so far they said everything was ok for Harry.

They wheeled him through the halls with him still sitting up, which made the boys laugh.

"Harry you look soooooo stupid!!" Louis shouted loudly.

"No I don't Lou! I'd look stupid laying down when I'm fine." Harry shot back. Nice comeback, I said to myself.

Harry was checked into the room where he had about an hour of rest before they ran tests. He was upset he had to stay when obviously nothing was wrong, but I told him it was necessary.

"Harry Styles? Again?" I heard Grace's voice ring. I had grown to not hate Grace. Well, she did try to steal my boyfriend, but then she helped practically bring him back from the dead.

Harry wasn't aware that she had helped him though, so acted kind of snootily towards her, as if she was all over him again.

I felt terrible for not telling Harry. I'd tell him now. I leaned over and whispered in his ear.



"Remember the day you almost died?" I asked painfully.

"Um... Yeah!"

"Well, at first I suspected Grace but when I confronted her she came straight in here and well, she helped keep you alive so be a little nice ok?"

I saw his eyes widen and he looked at me, his mouth gaping.

"You didn't tell me?!" He spat.

I sighed. "I'm sorry. I thought it'd be a touchy subject."

"Well now I feel like a terrible human being. Hey Grace!" He called her in. "Come here a second?"

She looked around seeing if there was another Grace around. I saw her mouth "me?" And point to herself. Harry nodded with his eye brows raised.

Grace skipped into the room. "Yes? Do you need anything?"

"Yes. I need to apologize for being a jerk. I didn't know you helped me when..." Harry trailed off but she got the idea.

"Of course." She stated firmly. "It's my job and since I knew you, I felt like I had to even more."

Harry nodded. "Well thank you very much."

Grace smiled.

"I think I should say sorry also. I did accuse you of trying to kill him. Sorry." I said, I felt ashamed.

"Don't be sorry. It was kind of my fault. I let the guy put that stuff in the water."

"Of course it's not." Harry said.

As she walked out each one of the boys said thank you, I had totally forgot they were even there. They were so quiet! That's a change.

A nurse came and shooed us out while they ran tests. Me and the boys went to the waiting room and played with all the little kid games. Like the ones where you have to move a bead through a maze without it roughing another bar, and puzzles, and colouring, and all that good stuff. The nurse later came and told us we could go back in.

Liam asked her what the news was and she said he had a concussion,but it would heal fairly quickly. He would be let out later today since it was morning.

We went up to Harry's room and found him on his phone. As soon as he heard the door open he threw his phone down and acted as if he wasn't doing anything. He started to whistle like in all the cartoons, and it made me laugh.

"Oh it's you guys!" He exclaimed, picking his phone up again. "They won't let me use my phone. Apparently it messes with the heart monitor but it's a bunch of crap." He said, checkling his twitter which was probably blowing up.

"Concussion huh mate?" Lou asked, clamping his shoulder and making Harry cringe. Probably sore.

"Yeah but it's nothing. I'm perfectly fine."

"No you're not. You need serious rest!" Liam argued with him. Liam was the only one here who would know what a person with a concussion would need.

Harry waved that off. "I hate this place."

"We do to Haz. You're not alone." Zayn said staring at the white walls of the tiny room. "They really need some colour in here. Like the little kids doctor rooms you know?"

"No I don't know." Niall replied, and Zayn play punched him in the gut. It turned into an all out play war. Me, Louis, and Harry started cheering, and Liam gave them a funny look. A nurse came rushing in.

"Is everything all right." She asked worriedly. "I heard yelling." She was staring at Harry but her eyes soon fell on Niall and Zayn on the ground their fists paused in the midst of punching each other.

She gave a look that said seriously? And walked out of the room.

We were all quiet until we heard her footsteps waking away. Then we all simultaneously bursted into laughter. I laughed so hard I started to cry. The laughter soon died down and all I heard was Niall's stomach growl.

"Haha whoops." The Irish man said. "I'm going to get some food." And the rest of the boys went with, leaving me and Harry alone.

He pulled me onto the bed and asked "Best way to spend you're day?"

I chuckled and said "No!"

He laughed and started playing with my hair. "You're hairs so pretty.." He said, mesmerized by my long hair.

I reached back and grabbed his curly locks in my hands and turned around, pulling his face to mine. "Yours isn't so bad either."

"Oh you know it's the best." He said leaning closer.

"Bull." I said leaning all the way in now. We had a small make out before the boys came back with disgusting hospital food.

"Dig in!" Harry shouted.


Sorry it sucks totally cannot think tonight thought is do a short one.

Well still hope you kind of liked it! Won't be able to update tomorrow;(



LettiSmith007 :D


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