Chapter 22

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Elizabeth's POV


After that standoff, me and the boys walked back into the hospital and asked to see Harry. My eyes were tearing at the remembrance of the heart monitor barley beating.

The nurse told us Harry wasn't able to have visitors now as the doctors were working on him.

Liam and Niall had a chat with her, asking when we could see him, Zayn was leaning against the counter his head in his hands. Louis looked at me, concerned as I stared off into space. He rubbed my shoulder and pulled me into him, where I began to sob again.

He picked me up and carried me to a chair where he sat me on his lap. I buried my head in the crook if his neck and asked "What's gonna happen Lou?"

His chest rose and fell deeply. "I don't know love. All we can do is pray." And that's what we did.

An hour later the nurse called us all and told us we could go see Harry. We ran to his room to find him fast asleep, his heart monitor back to normal. Tears of joy ram down my face as I hugged each of the boys who were also emotional.

He would be fine we were told.

A few days later he was let out of the hospital and we drove back to the boys house.

----- Flashback over-----

That's where we are now. The boys home, we left the hospital today. I found out that the boys had explained to Ashley where I was for 5 days, as I had left my phone at the house when we rushed for the hospital.

The doctors had put Harry on serious bed rest and we translated that to couch rest so we could all be together.

"Shall we continue 'The Lion King'?" Louis offered. I glared at him. Seriously? This quickly?

"Guess not..." He pouted.

Everyone but me and Harry were chatting about random things. Me and Harry were on the love seat again. It was like our spot now. He was laid down, his head on the arm of the couch and his legs over mine.

I looked at him, his eyes closing slowly. I was overjoyed he was safe. I felt like his almost dying was my fault, not his appendix almost bursting, but the second time. Jack had harmed Harry and the more I thought about it I was convinced it was my fault. Jack had hurt Harry because of me. If I had stayed with him, Harry wouldn't have had to go through that. But if I hadn't, I guess I wouldn't have met Harry and everything wouldn't be as confused as it was.

I looked up from Harry to find Louis staring at me intensely. He broke his gaze from me and pulled his phone out of his pocket. I joined in on the boys conversation of which bacon was better, Canadian or regular (A/N regular by the way) and my phone buzzed, vibrating the couch. I looked to see if it had woken Harry, nope. I pulled my phone out and read my new text.

From: Louis my second love (Louis put it in as that)

Elizabeth, It's obvious you are terrified. Is it because of that man pulling you out yesterday? If you feel like you can trust me, please tell me, I want help you.

I sighed and looked up from my phone to Louis, who again was staring at me with a worried expression. Damn he could read me well. I felt like Louis knew me the best out of all the boys, besides Harry, so I decided I could tell him.

To: Louis my second love

It's too complicated to text. Ill probably be leaving later today but if you want you could come to my place sometime and I could explain.

I pressed sent and waited for Louis to get the message. I felt Harry shiver and pulled the blanket from behind the couch to cover him. I threw it gently over his body and stroked his hair. When I looked back up Louis looked at me and nodded.

I got a vibration.

From: Louis my second love


I nodded to him, knowing he'd find some excuse to escape the boys.

We both went back to talking with the rest of the boys. Louis once again seemed his bright cheeky self, he could transition so quickly. He got up and tackled Niall. Oh Louis.

An little later we were watching a movie. We were watching 'Titanic' which made me even gloomier. But I let myself get into the movie.

About a half hour before the end, the boys started to get restless. Zayn and Niall got up and made tea and cheese and crackers for those of is awake. Always gotta go for the food.

Liam and Louis were talking about how nice it was to be on holiday. If I were in their position, I would be ecstatic to be on holiday. I bet it's hectic and tiresome performing so much and writing songs at the same time.

Niall and Zayn came out with the food and tea and we all ate, ignoring the movie totally.

It was around 5 when we all finished and Harry finally woke up. His gorgeous eyes fluttered open and he lifted his legs off of me and sat up.

"Sorry babe, did I trap you?" He chuckled.

"Yes you did meanie!" I joked kissing him on the cheek as he grinned madly.

"Awww no food left?" He asked, staring at the crumbs on the plate.

Niall stuffed the last cracker he had in his hand in his mouth. "Oh, whoops we thought you would still be asleep." He explained, spraying crumbs all over the floor.

"Niall! Clean that up!" Liam told Niall who slumped away to the laundry to get the broom.

Harry laughed. "It's good to be home!"

I smiled up at him. It was good to hear him laugh again.

"Well I'd better be going boys, I promised Eleanor once Harry was out of the hospital I'd go to see her." Louis said, getting up. I took that as my cue.

"I'd best be going too." Harry pouted. "I haven't seen Ashley for like, 5 days. She's probably lonely. And I'll come by tomorrow." I thought of this as a bad idea, but if Ashley would let me out of the house, she'd probably insist on going also. "Could I bring Ashley by too? She's a huge fan, but don't worry I'll tame her before."

Liam laughed. "Sure! It'd be a pleasure." He's so polite.

Harry grabbed my hand as I stood up and squeezed it. "I love you." He said seriously.

I bent down and kissed him on the lips. "Love you too." The door shut and I guessed Louis had just walked out. I ruffled Harry hair, said bye to the boys and followed.

Louis was waiting outside. "On to your place we go!" He chirped, trying to lighten the mood before the certain dark came.

I got in my car and said "Follow me." Before I shut the door.


Hello there! How did you guys like this chapter? Ill probably update again to ought but not sure:)

Everybody, please please check out LettiSmith007 she is the best authour ever! I'm in love with her books <3

Hope you guys are liking the story, have a good day!


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