Chapter 30

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Elizabeth's POV

"Click click click"

"This is so going on twitter." I heard a Bradford accent say.

My eyes fluttered open to find the boys phones in my face, taking pictures of me and Harry sleeping on the couch. Harry was still asleep.

"Guys! Let me go back to sleep and don't put those on twitter." I grumbled smacking the closest boys phone, which happened to be Niall's, to the floor. "Hey!" He shouted.

"Too late. It's already posted. Whoops!" Zayn whispered. I groaned, shooed them all away, and rested my head to its original position falling asleep once again next to Harry.

----- 2 hours later-----

I shivered and my eyes opened. I was freezing, probably because Harry was gone from my side. I grabbed the blanket and wrapped it around myself standing up. I called for all of the boys, to lazy to make my way up the stairs. None of them answered to me. I found a note on the kitchen table:

Good morning Elizabeth! I was going to make us a bowl of cereal, but the milk is out:/. So if I'm not there when you wake up don't worry I'm at the store.

Love you, Harry

But I was worrying. He was alone. I was supposed to be staying with him because Jack was in town. I sprinted out of the door, not caring I was freezing anymore and heard a huge crash.

I ran even faster down the road, seeing smoke a bit further down.

I saw a black range rover crashed front to front with a huge truck. I saw the man in the truck get out of the car and run for it. I saw a flash of blonde hair and knew who it was.

I gave everything I had and sprinted after him. He had always been fast though and slipped out of my grasp. I didn't see him down the street anymore so he must have hid.

"JACK!" I screamed. "I will get you! I swear! Don't mess with Harry or me again you bastard!!" I stomped around angrily hoping he'd come back out but he didn't. I quickly realized I needed to go help Harry.

I ran back to the car and went straight for the drivers door. Harry was knocked out but otherwise,it looked like he fared with no serious external injuries. I breathed a sigh of relief. His eyes fluttered open and caught sight of me.

He groaned. "Hey babe. I'm going to get milk." He started to put the car in drive but I quickly stopped him.

"Oh no. I'm calling the paramedics, need to make sure my baby's ok." I said, pulling out my cell.

He pushed my hand down. "No. Please don't. I've been in their long enough for a lifetime. I don't wanna go back." He pleaded with me.

I had to stand firm. "Harry, you could have a concussion. You need to be check out." I would always be the worrying girlfriend.

He moaned and placed his head on his seat. His eyes started to close but I wouldn't let them. I'm pretty sure when someone has a concussion, they're not supposed to close their eyes for some period of time.

I told the lady our address and she said help would be on the way. I hated having to do this.

Minutes later I heard sirens and started rubbing Harry reassuringly. I called Liam and told him what had happened. I couldn't bear talking to Lou, I had no idea what he'd say. Liam said they were on their way and they'd meet us at the hospital.

The paramedics came and talked to Harry who was still in the drivers seat. They asked him if he could walk to the ambulance and he said of course.

When they got him out of the car he immediately wobbled.

"I'm fine." He told them as they were just about to reach out and help. One guy already had his hand on his shoulder.

But with one more step Harry crumpled to the ground, the paramedics barley catching him. As he tried to get up they told him to wait, so he just sat there looking bored. I went and sat with him, I kissed his cheek and he smiled.

I hate these people, he mouthed to me.

I shook my head. They're helping you, I mouthed back.

Three guys came wheeling a stretcher and Harry groaned.

"I refuse."

"Sir, you may have internal damage. From the damage of your car..." I looked to Harry's car. The front windshield was shattered, the whole front of the car was smashed in and it looked like the headrest behind Harry had broken. Probably with impact from his head.

Harry shook his head and the man and I helped get him on the stretcher. He wouldn't lay down though. But it was good enough.

They put Harry in the vehicle and I was about to step in when I saw movement in the park next to where we were standing.

"Um...I'll be right back." I walked across the street to the bushes where I detected something moving.

I checked. Nothing. I must be imagining. But then I heard it again, from a tree. I climbed the bottom branch of the tall but thick with leaved tree , but again, nada.

I was about to turn back again when I heard footsteps. I'd know those footsteps anywhere. Hard, yet soft. Almost depicting his character. Or at least what his character used to be.

I slowly turned around and faced him.

"We'll it's about time." I spat at him. My anger was growing with every second. This man had had Harry's life in his hands about 2 times. I wondered if he actually tried to kill Harry, or just wanted to see me suffering.

He replied. "Yes,yes I suppose it is."


Kind of a cliff hanger yaaaaay!

Idk what to write so.... Hi:).

Remember to read "Harry Styles My Long lost Brother" and "Three Times the Charm" both by LettiSmith007!!!! Love them both so freaking much!


Hope you liked this chapter thanks!.

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