Chapter 40

20 3 2

*not edited*

Harry's POV

As I shut my car door I didn't even look back,afraid I would change my mind. If I looked at her one more time my heart would crack into a million pieces. I saw her face and she was not expecting it.

I left a printed out picture of her and Lou kissing in the same spot I was standing on. Hopefully she had found it and it would help explain even more why I did what I did.

I loved her. I still did. But it didn't feel... Right anymore. It felt like lie after lie. I wasn't able to trust her wholeheartedly and that was a huge quality I needed in my girlfriend.

I can't blame Elizabeth totally for kissing Louis though. I know probably most of it is Louis' fault. I could tell he had a special liking from the beginning when he met Elizabeth. He had a girlfriend though, and she was perfect for him. So right when me and Elizabeth are having problems, Lou swoops in and steals her, even if it's just for a moment. Elizabeth isn't the only one I'm having problems with.

I pulled into the driveway. I didn't want to see Louis face right now. I knew I'd have to face him sometime but I'm still raw from the park.

I walked in the house and find Louis sitting on the couch. He glanced back and I quickly look away, heading for up the stairs.

Once to my room I shut the door and plopped onto my bed. All I felt like doing was sleeping forever. I closed my eyes and 5 minutes later open them. I frowned and tried to fall asleep again. I couldn't. 3 hours later I still wasn't asleep and decided to do something. I checked Facebook. I saw all about Elizabeth and Louis which made me want I chuck my phone across the room. I stole myself and looked at Elizabeth's page.

I saw her relationship status changed to single. I figured I should do the same and changed mine as well. Finally it sink in, Elizabeth wasn't mine anymore. Somehow, for some stupid reason, changing my Facebook status felt final. Like it was the end of that line.

I locked my phone and threw it to the floor in frustration. I had no clue what to do in this situation.

I finally gave up on sleeping and creeped downstairs. I peeked my head around the corner to see if Louis was still on the couch. He wasn't. Where was he?

"He went for a walk." I heard Liam's voice from the kitchen. I breathed a sigh of relief and headed over towards him.

Liam took boiling water off the stove and poured the water in 2 cups. He threw 2 tea bags in.

I put my head in my hands and sat at the kitchen table. "You alright mate?" Liam asked.

"Yeah I'm just tired." I replied.

"Try for a kip." He told me, handing me the hot tea.

"Already tried, couldn't sleep."

"Well maybe the tea will help." Liam smiled to me. He was always so upbeat, always trying to lift my spirits whenever I was down.

"Hopefully." I smiled back at him. Me and Elizabeth broke up."

Liam looked shocked. "Oh. I didn't think that would ever happen."

"Well what did you think would happen after my fight with Lou? Things would go back to normal?"

"No," he replied. "I just thought you guys would have worked it out. You 2 are practically perfect for each other."

I took a sip of my tea. "That was probably our downfall. Nothing perfect lasts."


Sorry for the wait! I totally forgot to tell you guys! I'm starting to update probably about 2 or 3 times a week. I'm doing this because I want to stretch my book for a bit longer and I thought if I didn't move as fast I would do that.

One Direction performed tonight close to where I live! I wasn't able to go I'm so jealous of all my friends who went! I am so prepared for their stadium tour.

Thanks for putting up with me!



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