Chapter 36

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Elizabeth's POV

I woke up to rain. Surprise.

I found an Advil and water bottle on my bedside table, love living with my best friend.

I sat up and my head instantly started pounding. I moaned and downed the Advil as quickly as possible, then laid back on my bed.

A couple minutes later I heard my door open and Ashley peek in. "Hey." She whispered quietly. I cracked my eyes open.


"Thought I'd make you a hangover breakfast." She told me. I looked to the tray. Black coffee, bacon and eggs.

I smiled. "Thanks Ashley. And thanks for being such a good friend. You're always there when I need you and I really appreciate it." I told her honestly.

She grinned and looked down. "I feel loved."

I laughed. "You are!" I gave her a hug and in her presence my head stopped pounding. "Sorry I've been gone so much. It's just crazy with Harry..."

"It's totally fine. I understand." She reassured me.

"Thanks Ash."


Harry's POV

I woke up on the floor. How did I get here? I looked up and found the couch. Must've rolled off.

I sat up and immediately moaned at my stiff back and neck. As I started stretching Liam walked into the living room.

"Why were you sleeping on the floor Haz? Probably not good for your concussion."

I sighed. "Liam, I am perfectly fine thank you. And I think I just rolled off."

I heard footsteps padding down the stairs and wondered who would descend. Louis.

I sighed looking away. I was still pissed at Louis, but I wouldn't call it out in front of the boys, especially Liam who would get all worried.

"Hey Lou." I said, staring him right in the eyes, making him look away.

"Good morning Hazza." Louis said heading into the kitchen. Liam flipped the tv on.

"Singer Harry Styles's girlfriend..." I turned my attention to he tv quickly. "was spotted in a park close to her apartment, snogging with Harry's band mate Louis Tomlinson." Said a lady reporter.


The screen changed showing a picture of Louis, my best mate, and Elizabeth MY girlfriend snogging in the middle of a park.

I could feel my mouth hang wide open and glanced to Liam. He was staring at the tv with the same reaction as me. I turned to the kitchen where Louis was. If he heard he didn't pay any attention.

Full of anger I stormed into the kitchen. "What the hell man!" I shouted. I shoved him into the counter. Louis' back crashed into the countertop and he fell to the floor, but was back on his feet in no time.

He held his hands in front of him, "Harry, I can explain."

"How can I trust you Louis?" I fumed. "You and my girlfriend lie to me and then you snog?" I went forward to shove him again but Liam pinned my arms behind me, preventing me from doing so.

I turned to Liam and ordered "Let me go now."

"Haz you should at least hear him out." Liam examined.

Lou took a deep breath. "Ok so after you found out I thought I should talk to Elizabeth and found her at that park. She was worried about you never talking to her again and... I just tried to stop her from worrying and it was supposed to be a short kiss but turned deeper. I was kind of letting my own emotion about the situation with you and the fact Eleanor might be cheating on me out in that kiss but a pap must've gotten it." I half lied. I did kind of like Elizabeth. She was beautiful and caring and tried to always do the best for people. But of course, telling Harry hat would be a disaster.

"And it makes it ok for you to kiss MY girlfriend because you're having problems with yours?" Harry asked angrily.

"No, no it doesn't and I'm really sorry Harry." I apologized, even though I wouldn't have changed a thing.

"You do know I can't forgive you now,it's too soon and I'm still really pissed at you." Harry said his head buried in his hands.

"Understandable." I told him. Harry shook his head and walked out of the room. Liam gave me a disappointed look, guess he didn't buy it.

Let me get one thing straight. I would never intentionally hurt my best mate. He's practically my brother and I love him. But Elizabeth... There's something intriguing about her, her personality and beauty is too much to not like. I do still love Eleanor, but Elizabeth is up there.

I just can't let Harry know my true feelings.


Sorry my updating schedule is crazy. School is about to end and it's getting emotional cos I won't be going to high school with my close friends:( on a happier note Little Mix album came out in America! Finally!

Enough about me! Did you like this chapter? I thought it was kind of shit but whatever! Thanks for reading:)

Oh yeah and LettiSmith007 you were right! I was planning for someone to take a picture:P



LettiSmith007 :)

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