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Jennifer was waiting for half an hour and then she saw a boy who was Louis's classmate when enquired se found out Louis had already left with Maria.
She walked her way home, playing football with those small stones while walking, she was thinking why Louis did so and was angry at the same time.

She reached her house and she saw Louis standing there with an orchid in his hand near the gate.

"I'm sorry Jenny, it just slipped from my mind we were gonna meet" he apologized."

"LOUIS! I was waiting there just for you! And u just walk away with a new girl." She said and walked away.

Louis thought it was not the right time to go and convince her at this moment.
She dint reply to any messages or calls and nor did she come down for the evening walk.

The next morning when Louis left for college he saw Jenny waiting there probably for him or not!
Jennifer walked towards him and said,"I'm sorry Louis for yesterday I dint mean to be rude its just that someone just broke our daily routine of walking back home together."
Louis felt guilty and said the best words that could comfort any girl,"there is no one coming our way ever Jenny. Even if things dont go the usual way we will always be together I PROMISE!"
Jenny smiled and they both started walking towards college and then 3 lanes away Maria came.
Louis introduced Maria to Jennifer and they walked ahead.

After a normal usual day when Louis took rest on his bed he found something below his pillow.
It was a yellow envelope with a photograph in it.
It was their 1st picture they clicked while horse riding. Behind the picture it was written in bold-
LOUIS smiled and that feeling of happiness because Jennifer was the first girl he ever did riding with and now he was her riding partner.
It was a different feeling for him!

Where Louis was happy someone else was crying. Maria she had just shifted to this new place due to the long distance communication, time , busy schedules she had a big fight with her best friend in another state. She wanted someone to share. But who? She dint know.

Louis called Jennifer thanked her for the picture they spoke for 10 mins and went to sleep.
But yeah Maria couldnt sleep it was the first time she had no friend to talk to. She had almost broken her friendship. Now what?

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