A year complete.

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Next day morning when Louis woke up he saw the notification bar in his cell "Jenny 5 missed calls"

He freshened up and called Jennifer.
Louis- Hie Jenny morning, had an amazing day yesterday.

Jenny- That's great when should I come to see the pictures?

Louis- Whenever you want.

Jenny- See you in an hour. Bye.

Louis- Great. Bye.

Louis went down for his breakfast he told his mother about everything that happened yesterday and told that Jennifer will be coming in an hour.

Son don't you have your final term coming now? Start studying and less of roaming and talking with Jenny. Louis's mom told with a bit higher pitch from the kitchen.

Louis wondered why Mom took only Jenny's name where We havent even gone anywhere from last a week for a picnic or so. He went upstair just to see if all books and notes are ready.
By that time Jenny came. Louis showed her the pictures and they gossiped about the whole day with some chips and lemonade. When Jennifer was about to leave Louis's mother came just to remind her to study and not be roaming or wasting away tine with Louis.
Jennifer agreed.
They studied and gave their exams well.
The year came to an end and also their friendship completed a year.
Time to celebrate right?

Jennifer remembered the date very well. Girls are good at it. She tought of giving a surprise or something. Louis had plans with his college friends. At that time Jennufer went to his place to speak to his mom.
"Hello aunty Louis and I are gonna complete a year of our friendship and since we are free I am thinking of giving him a surprise. They spoke about the whole idea and planned everything. When Jennifer reached the main gate Louis's mother called her in again and asked," Jennifer I dont know how to ask but do you like my son? Because I think he does he has never be so comfortable, caring and concerned about any girl before."
"No aunty I don't think so we are just Good friends and best riding partners", she said with a smile and left.

Jennifer was constantly thinking about what Louis's mother said. Does really like me? If he would have liked he would have told me. He flirts, at times he becomes too loving and sweet also but that is just friendship right?.

She gave the thoughts a gun shot and started preparing for the surprise. She had loads of work and less time because she had to do everything when Louis was not around and that's very less!

Finally the day came. Jennifer was very excited. She got ready she wore a black jeans and a red top with her hair tied open because that's how Louis liked it. She had planned the whole day first they were going for a ride because that's how they became friends but not here at Louis's place but at a proper riding school. Then a place she wanted to go during exams but couldn't. Louis had promised her to take her there. Then to the beach And finally go to their favorite club to party and dinner.

She went to Louis to pick him up. His mom said he has gone out and was sorry couldn't make him stay as Louis said it was something urgent.

Jennifer went back home and called Louis but his phone was switched off.

Louis came back it was almost an hour left for lunch time.
His mom told to and see Jennifer.
"I'm sory Jenny I got a call from my college friend stating somethinv urgent but actually it was nothing so they just wanted to mert and so it was the way they called me. We went for breakfast at the Cafe In its an awesome place", Louis said excitedly.

CAFE IN!! Jenny shouted. " you mean you go to a place you promised to go with me for the first time with someone else and completely forget about the promise. I didn't go because we promised each other. I had planned we'll go today because we complete 1 year of our friendship." She was damm angry and hurt too.

He took his handkerchief blind folded Jenny and somehow carried her all the way to his car. She was screaming abd asking too many questions. So he took her handkerchief and shut her mouth with it.
They reached a place Jennifer is still blindfolded. He makes her sit on a chair and goes somewhere. The waiter comes keeps something on the table. Louis removes Jenny's blindfold and to her immense surprise that angry Jenny just turns into that sweet tender looking girl with a big smile. Why?

Louis had drived her all the way to Cafe In ordered her a coffee and their customised coffees as amazing so the top cream was written " BEST YEAR " and Nachos and garlic bread with a sandwich for himself on which he just drew a smiley with the ketchup and said Sorry!

She got up and gave him the tightest hug and burst into tears of happiness. They continued to sit there for 2-3 hours and the later day as planned by Jennifer.

We dont have an undo button in life so the best way to keep our favorite people happy is just rectify the mistakes.

Small surprises bring bigger smiles.

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I hope you all are enjoying reading.
Please vote if you liked the one year of friendship.

Happy reading ahead.)

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