Something Much Needed

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I woke up to my ringtone, half in sleep I picked up the call.

Jenny you sleeping oh sorry i'll call you tomorrow

My eyes opened wide and I stood up on my bed finally I heard his voice.

No no louis Where were you. I have missed you, do you have any idea?

I'm sorry Jenny but all this was just for you. I have a surprise for you. Can you meet me now?

I tip toed downstairs.
I opened door to a box of pizza, ice cream and him. Standing there with an apologetic face. I could feel that.

I threw my arms around his neck he tightened his grip on my waist and lifted me up while giving a hug. This wasn't a hi i love you hug. It was much of I miss you, I need you we both juct couldn't leave each other.

JENNY I LOVE YOU. He whispered in my ears. I did feel the butterflies now when I hear those three words.

I hugged him tighter in response.

After a few minutes we left the embrace and held our hands and I looked at him with just a single question,"where were you?"

"Was buying a gift for my friend for our friendship anniversary", he replied looking at me with a smile that melts my heart.

I gave him a questioning look.

"Jenny lets eat something I'm starving actually" he said and chuckled.

We sat at the porch.
He gave me an envelope while he ate I was too full so just took one slice of pizza.
I opened the envelope expecting it to be some letter explaining a story written by him.

I could not believe my eyes. He lost me the at the first sentence of the letter.

Dance academy

But still questions were unanswered.
I read further. It was an approval of my application. application? I never applied her. I lost the competition.

I looked at him giving a question look.
I couldnt believe what I heard the next 10 mins.

He had actually convinced them that I was worth for a schorlarship there.

I stood there staring at the letter. Happiness knew no bound.
I threw my arms around him.

With no words spoken it was like we could connect and speak what we wanted to.

We went home about an hour late and he explained me how and what he actually did for this amazing surprise.

This was certainly much needed.

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