The Surprise

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Louis and Jennifer were in the car.
Louis took a sudden right. And Jennifer realised they were going the wrong way.
Louis it is the next right she said.
Louis kept his hand on her hand and said "Trust me its right in a soft voice.
After fifteen minutes Louis stopped the car. Jennifer was about to get down when Louis stopped her.
He got down walked towards her opened the gate.
There were no lights when they reached the place and as soon as Jennifer reached near a gate or something LIGHTS ON!
It was all purple and white, Jennifer's favourite colours. White and purple balloons, orchids, white lights, curtains of two colours formed a tent like thing. It was a walkway with all this decor and a bit away was a small table with champagne and 2 chairs, a 3 step cake.
Jennifer was all surprise to see this and couldn't understand what it was.
Louis took her hand and walked ahead. She was all smiling and blushing. They reached the table when Louis stopped and went down on his knees,"Jennifer will you be my Love forever?" He said catching her hand and a ring in the other waitig for her reply.
Jennifer was in a shock. She didn't expect this on her birthday.
"Jenny? I'm waiting, dont you love you Louis?" Louis said again.
"Uhmmm Louis there is a problem, I dont love you Louis",She said with no exoression on her face.
Louis was left there staring at Jennifer and was about to cry when Jennifer said,"Stupid I love my riding partner". Louis put the ring in her finger. They hugged each other. The warmest hug ever. The hug that made many unspoken promises. The hug that makes you feel someone special. The hug that makes you feel loved. The forever together hug.

They cut the cake, had champagne. When Jennifer got a call from Veronica asking her whereabouts.

They left. When they reached Veronica saw a different Jennifer. A best friend always knows or ubderstands just by looking at the other friend.
She went and said," Jennifer did something happen? Something really good? You seem happy from inside and its not the birthday glow."

"Veroica see this", Jennifer showed the ring to her. It was a platinum ring with infinity and the initials L and J on either side. It was a very pretty ring.

Veronica announced that Louis and Jennifer will do salsa. Out of no choice they had to. They were blushing throughout the night.
Jennifer cut the cake again with friends and then received gifts and it was time to go back.
On the way back home she felt a bit sad. Louis asked her what the matter was abd realised that Jennifer wanted to capture the moment of him proposing her. He had no reply. But he said," I dont mind proposing you everyday" with the tongue out.

They reached. Louis came out to hug Jennifer, gave her a small peck on her cheeks and said bye.

When Jennifer went to her bedroom there was an envelope on her table. Her mom came,"A man cane and delievered this half an hour back".
"Ok, mom I'll check it.Good night"she said giving her mom a hug and a good night kiss.

As soon as she opened there was a photograph. It ws of the moment she said yes to Louis and a cd. She played the cd it was the entire proposal and the salsa dance video.

She called Louis.
"Thank you thank you thank you. I love you Louis",she said, her happiness could be felt in her voice.
"Just for you. Now you sleep it was a very tiring day for you and me we will meet tomorrow. Good night sweet dreams". He said
" ok good night sweet dreams"Jennifer said and kept the call.

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