She will always find me besides her!

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Kiara's POV

I was happy my best friend was in a relation but there was one thing still in mind. What if he turns to be the same like the one before? I can't let her ruin her dreams for a guy. I can see she is love but then passion and goals are also important. I need to speak to Louis about it.

Next morning I saw Louis on the field. The practice had just got over.
"Louis" i called him out. He came near the gate.
"Yes kiara?" He said moving his hand over his head.
"I need to talk to you", I said.
"Ya sure I'll see you at the bench in the garden in 5 minutes?", he replied with a smile.

I walked towards the garden luckily Jennifer was not coming college today as she had some errands to run for. So I could speak to Louis without an interruption.

I sat on the bench and in the next minute Louis came all beaming with a smile,"Yes kiara?"
"Louis, I will get straight to the point, now that you know about Jen's past I dont know much for know about you but as a best friend I understand she really loves you but are you also gonna act mad and make her stay away from her passion her dance? She wont stand for herself I know she is weak when it comes to deciding for herself. You understand what I'm saying?"

"Kiara trust me I wont ever tell her to run away like this from her dreams, I love her and hence even her dreams. She will always find me besides her. You don't need to worry. I understand you concern as a best friend." Louis replied with a confident smile.

"Thanks Louis happy for you both. I'll rush to my events now tomorrow is the dance remember?" I said in a hurry.

He nodded. I left. I felt happy for the two. But still I feel an intusion that somethings not gonna be okay.

I went back to my work.

Everyone was talking about going abroad. Like why suddenly?
That's when I saw the notice that the winners of the festival may get a chance of scholarship abroad. Wow!

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