Destiny had planned something else!

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My eyes we black all around because of the spoilt mascara and kajal. Louis was right next to me trying to make me smile but it was all in vain. Kiara got me some juice but I just threw it away. Nothing. I just wanted nothing.

I ran from the room as fast and far as I could. Finally all I could see ahead of me was water.

My performance was next. I was standing there nervously with my fingers crossed. And there it was time. The music played, audience gave an applause andI started swinging with the music it felt like all the hard work was worth I had given my best. My performance was over my friends appreciated I was quite confident to pass through and get the scholarship but it seems destiny had planned something else for me.

The results were announced and I dint make it to the top three I couldn't believe it, I had realy worked hard.

Here at beach I let the cold breeze sooth my skin the water touched my toes making me feel ticklish. I was so weak I just sat down with the waves coming over me making my clothes drench in water.

Suddenly I felt a hand over my shoulder I looked back to find Kiara.
She dint speak a word just sat besides me.

After I guess an hour she tried to pull me back from water to sand and wrapped a coat around me.

I removed my phone.
Missed calls
Louis (25)

And 67 messages in total from these three.

I called mom telling her I will be home soon. I didn't have the strength to face Louis I just messaged him I'm safe at home. I told kiara I'll go home and even she should.

Three days passed today was Louis's photography exhibition and Kiara's results for event management scholarship.

I messaged them both
All the best. Do well , I love you :*

I know I should be there for them but that strength was all vanished. I slept again for 2 hours but then I pulled up some strength got ready in jeggings and a plain black top and took my sling and off to college.

First was Kiara's presentation I walked to her room she was on the stage i smiled and gave her a thumps up. She did a great job.

Louis is great when it comes to photography and no doubt he won it.

Later I went home called them both and congratualated them for winning. So her I was two most important people in my life had won where I felt like a loser.

I called them both and we decided to go out for a dinner and celebrate their win. We went to our favourite dine out and ordered the usual.

Kiara took a move to go the restroom. Louis came next to me held my hand and said," Jenny, may be life has something great for you ahead a bigger opportunity don't give up we are all here for you forever when you need us we will be beside, ok?"

I gave him a smile and held his hand tighter.

We continued our dinner with random jokes and talks and clicking loads of selfies.

We went for a long drive three of us with loud music playing.

Well they really know how to make me smile i thought as I looked at the two while eating an icecream.

Late that night I couldnt sleep. It was weird I was happy at one moment but sad too. May be this is life. This is my destiny. Not always life is what you planned. Not all our lucky. A two way path it is and you dont know what is actually the one for you.

Lets see what the next morning will be because now im exhausted with the sudden turn my life has taken everyone has a new wya to go where I'm still here.


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