To Him

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I had finished packing. everything was set to go. I still felt a bit incomplete, as if something was left, empty, incomplete. I walked to the drive way to have one last walk in the lane. I was about to leave in next 2 hours.  

I saw him. and I realized that was the incomplete work. I ran upstairs to my room.  took my notepad and started writing.

To Louis,

I don't know why I'm taking this effort of writing to you. I'm going to be to the point.

No im never  gonna forgive you. but then as they say first is always special. and truly the first gave me life lessons. Thank you for everything you have done. though it was because you wanted  me to go so I don,t find about you. you did something that is going to give me a new life.

From lessons on trust love and life you have taught me to follow my dreams. I leaving the baggage of us here. It ends. 
May be destiny wanted this and we were destined just for this.
Im going with to whatever happened as '"It was destined"

All the best.

Sincerely Hates you,


I walked to his door and kept the letter then in an envelope addressed to him.

This felt closure. Complete. Ready to leave.

The End


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