Chapter Eleven

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Liam was worse than he thought he was going to be, when he finally thought he was getting better he took an unexpected turn for the worst and got sick all over again and to top it all off he had to take care of Louis.

Liam knew it was his fault, having to sit through his illness whilst Louis chatted on about the new toys he'd bought or cried until Liam put a movie on, he knew why Niall was dealing with Louis instead. Because Liam was nearly incapable.

Right now Liam wished he could be sleeping his sickness off, but instead he is trying to occupy Louis who had knocked his head on the edge of the coffee table fifteen minutes prior. It was awful for Liam really, because he thought he was getting better and was honestly looking forward to touring again and taking Louis places he'd never been before. But now he'd spoil that for himself by taking care of his son whilst so utterly ill and it was awful.

Niall hadn't spoken to Liam since he told him off for trying to keep Louis away from him and Liam had tried to apologize multiple times. It was just not worth it in the end, Niall was having none of it at dinner he basically always ended up with a lapful of food, or he'd have to go and make it himself.

Louis hadn't gotten sick yet and he wasn't going to either. The doctor had told Liam he wasn't contagious anymore, he could basically cough and splatter everywhere and nobody else would get sick, plus Niall still wiped down everything after Liam used it, even if they didn't speak to one another.

Liam had gotten over his fever and the vomiting, it more just a constant headache and a stuffed nose now, it made him quite unwell and he could barely talk. Liam was doing everything in his power to get better because he wanted to take Louis to Disneyland, and he wasn't about to head off there when his immune system was still shoot to pieces, he'd get every bug in the building at once. Liam would be a illness magnet on legs.

When he did get peace and quiet he would write song lyrics and that how'd he ended up where he was right now, with a phone pressed against his ear as he contacted a tattoo parlor, he wasn't sure how writing songs can lead him to getting a tattoo but here he was.

He had always promised his Mother that whenever he decided to get another tattoo, it would have a meaning and he thought this was going to be the most meaningful of them all. This was something he couldn't take back and he never planned too, it might've been cheesy as hell but it was sure as hell going to be worth it.

He wasn't so sure on where Louis was meant to go, so he had to take him with him. To a little tattoo parlor on the outskirts of the city they were in, he knew he was going to be slammed for this could see the headlines already 'LIAM PAYNE GOES TO TATTOO PARLOR OVER CONCERT IS THIS THE END?' and it made him roll his eyes and scoff to himself, if only they knew the real reasons.

It was quite awkward walking into a tattoo parlor with a toddler and Louis was blabbing away about the toy he had bought along with him, Liam had only given him permission to bring one, because otherwise he would be trying to find toys for ages, and he would kill himself if one of Louis' favourites got left behind.

He sat Louis done on the floor gently and held his hand. Once he'd discussed what he wanted with the tattooist, he stationed Louis down in one of the small plush chairs by the window, where he could still see him. He gave Louis a book and his phone before he took a seat in the small foam chair.

The Band Baby -Niam AU (Louis!kid)Where stories live. Discover now