Chapter Thirteen

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Liam and Louis were checking into their hotel for the evening. They had just come back from a soundcheck and pre show meet and greet. Louis had spent most of the day running around the stage and through the chairs until he fell asleep at Liam's feet when he was talking to their microphone installer.

Touring with a toddler had been somewhat harder than Liam thought it was going to be, but he wasn't going to say he wasn't enjoying it, he loved having Louis around. The little stories he told and how he managed to make every single person in their management team laugh. Louis even on Liam's worst days was managing to make Liam smile the biggest.

The toddler loved his Daddy and he loved Niall and he'd been watching Lux's mum holding hands with her Daddy and immediately thought that meant Niall and Liam were also meant hold hands. So Louis had recently been trying very hard to make his Daddy and his blonde haired friend hold hands. At first Liam thought it was a faze Louis was going to grow out of, but it had only gotten progressive worse. Louis had become a determine two year old, he was pretty adamant that they were going to hold hands, even more so when Harry and Zayn started walking around with their hands interlocked.

Right now Liam was tucking Louis in, with his eyes closed as he rubbed his aching temple. It had been a long day, his morning already hectic with Louis' tantrum he threw in the middle of the airport because Liam wouldn't hold Niall's hand like Harry and Zayn were. Liam had tried to explain to Louis that it wasn't normal for him and Niall to actually hold hands, but Louis was having none of it, he wanted them to hold hands and Liam still didn't understand why. But he made the toddler sit down in his chair and watch a movie to keep him preoccupied.

Niall found it somewhat amusing that Louis was trying to make them hold hands and brushed it off as a typical toddler thing, Liam wasn't convinced but he let it slide because he wasn't even sure himself about what was going through his son's head. Liam knew he was going to have to have a sit down chat with the small child and see if he could figure out what was actually going on in his little brain.

Liam shuffled down into the hotel living room and took a seat on one of the cane chairs, he was so exhausted and the tour had barely started, Liam was dying for a nice break. One where he could take Louis home and spend some much needed time with his family, he missed them dearly and was slightly homesick.

Niall had gone out to get some groceries for Louis, the toddler had specifically asked for bananas and fruit juice and Niall was so tightly wrapped around his finger he wasn't about to say no. Liam sat down and switched the telly on, he then replied to some fans and surfed through his twitter until Niall returned. He had his snapback on backwards and bags of shopping looped through his arms.

"Hey, I got what Lou asked for." Niall hummed, placing the bags on the counter before flopping down beside Liam and throwing his legs up on the coffee table, his sock clad feet contrasting against the beige walls of the room.

"Thanks for that, will keep him settled whilst we're performing. He's been pretty restless lately." Liam sighed, he was so stuck on the fact that Louis wanted them to hold hands, how he would drag Liam over to Niall and stamp his feet until he was having a full blown tantrum in the middle of an airport. Liam was stunned when Louis did it, because not only was he having a tantrum but he was screaming about how his Daddy wouldn't hold hands with Niall. Liam didn't know what to do.

The Band Baby -Niam AU (Louis!kid)Where stories live. Discover now