Chapter Two

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Chapter Two

Liam was woken at five thirty the next morning to Louis changing channels with the television remote, his little fingers hitting all the buttons on the black controller. His tongue out the edge of his lips in concentration. Liam guessed he was on the hunt for cartoons.

Liam laid still watching him for a moment before he sat up and caught Louis’ attention, the little boy turn to face Liam with the remote still in his hands, the volume now up quite loud that Liam guessed he was going to have a headache before the day even started.

“what are you doing there Lou?” Liam asked, the small child handing him the remote and pointing towards the large black television.

“Lou have cartoons.” Louis said happily, a grin on his lips when Liam started flicking through the channels again until he found the child friendly station. A loud but somewhat happy squeal erupting from Louis lips as he bounced on the large bed giggling, clapping his hands together. “Thank you!” Louis smiled, giving Liam a quick hug before he settled down against his pillow and started watching the talking animals and fish.

Liam snapped a picture quickly and messaged it to Niall with the caption ‘this is what I wake up to at 5:30 in the morning, aren’t I just so lucky?’

Liam then relaxed back into his bed and checked his emails and twitter until he felt Louis laying across his chest giggling. He cooed slowly lowering his phone down, catching his son’s precious face for a moment before he buried himself under the mountain of blankets squealing as Liam dived himself under the blankets too. Once he got a hold of the small boy he pulled him out from underneath the blanket fort and blew a raspberry on his exposed belly. The small boy erupting into a fit of giggles flailing his arms around and squealing loudly.

Liam flew Louis downstairs and into his chair, the blue eyed boy’s fringe flopping down over his eyes as he giggled and pressed his little hands to the table in front of him and his short legs swinging back and forth underneath the table.

“Banana?” Liam asked, already pulling the fruit out of the bowl and peeling it. He watched Louis study the picture hanging across from him. It was a picture of the band, two of which Louis hadn’t met yet. He watched Louis point and turn his attention towards Liam for an answer. “That’s daddy, Niall, Harry and Zayn, you remember Niall from yesterday?.” Liam questioned, tilting his head slightly as Louis studied the picture closely.

“Ni Ni!” he grinned, his blue eyes brightening when Liam praised him. Placing the apple and banana pieces down in front of him before filling up his sippy cup with some orange juice and gently place that on the table too.

“Ni Ni come here?” Louis asked once Liam was seating and eating his breakfast. Half his protein shake spread across the table after he knocked it. But he smiled nonetheless because Louis was just too adorable to not be happy around.

“you want Niall to come over?” Liam asked, earning a eager nod from Louis in return, a piece of banana in his mouth and Liam had a feeling Louis was very good with his manners. Louis was also extremely polite and Liam was so grateful he hadn’t been given a monster of a child. “Well, maybe we can skype Niall later and see what he’s doing, yeah? He might be packing.” Liam said softly, he didn’t want to disappoint Louis because it was highly likely Niall wouldn’t be able to come, he was hoping the Skype call would be enough.

The Band Baby -Niam AU (Louis!kid)Where stories live. Discover now