Chapter Six

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Chapter Six


Liam was sitting on the bathroom floor, pouring small cups of water over Louis' head as he also tried to talk to management on his phone. His eyes closing as he let out a long sigh.


"No, all I am trying to say is how are we meant to have a interview before our concert? We have no time to spare. We fly in at nine and you want us to be at an interview at eleven, we have to be at sound check by one, where is our lunch in all that?" Liam asked, wedging his phone in between his ear and shoulder as he gently scooped Louis out of the bath, he wrapped him in a fluffy towel as Management blabbered nonsense in his ear.


"I have a son Tony, I have to be able to give him some attention, so no. I'm putting my foot down, I'm not doing the interview. Ask one of the others. Goodbye" Liam sighed, Louis yelling goodbye as Liam hung up and proceeded to put Louis in his warm fuzzy outfit. A pair of jeans Lou bought at Cotton On for him, his stripy red socks with his 'I'm With The Band' shirt underneath his cookie monster jumper as well as a blue beanie and a cute navy blue knitted scarf and his fluffy warm boots.


He pulled the plug out of the bottom of the bath and stood up, dusting himself off and placing his phone into his back pocket. He led Louis out of the bathroom slowly and let him go play with his toys whilst he got dressed. They had a flight in two hours and Liam had to be in the car in fifteen minutes, luckily today they were on time.


Once Liam had Louis in the car and buckled into his seat their driver drove them to the airport. They were heading to Arizona for their next leg of their tour, they had spent two nights in Florida and now they were off again.


When they arrived at the airport Liam stopped by a store to buy a few things. They were the first two to arrive and they have a few minutes to spare before Niall arrived.


Niall was cooing over Louis the next time Liam saw his son, and instagram pictures were shared.


niallhoran: ootd, liam dressed louis well this morning, isn’t he just gorgeous?!


Liam helped Louis eat his breakfast before Zayn and Harry arrived, Niall eating a danish beside Louis and making him laugh so much he wouldn’t eat his food anymore and Liam wasn’t to sure which one was more of a child, Niall or Louis.


It took forever to get Louis on the plane this time because a bunch of paparazzi’s pushed him over and caused him to bump his head, and Liam was left sitting in the airport cradling his son close until security got the paps under control. Once Louis was secure in his seat and watching a movie on the iPad. He breathed a sigh of relief. Niall was sitting beside him playing a game on his phone whilst Zayn and Harry sat directly in front of them.


Liam loved Zayn and Harry as a couple, the curly haired lad definitely knew how to keep Zayn grounded and Zayn showed so much love and compassion towards Harry, Liam just wanted a relationship as great as theirs.


“what a morning.” Liam sighed, running his fingers through Louis’ hair gently, it had become a habit now. Niall cooed sadly, pulling one of his headphones out of his ears and pausing his game. His attention purely been turned onto Liam and Louis.


“The paps are horrible people Liam, they’ll never learn.” Niall replied, giving him a light tap on the shoulder. They were now running late by nearly forty five minutes and Liam was hoping they could make up a little bit of time on this flight.

“they should just leave us alone, but they don’t have a stop button because they know if they get these ‘exclusive’ photos of us or Louis then they will make loads of money. It’s stupid be hey, nothing we can really do.” Harry added, his shoulders slumping as he leaned against Zayn who had his eyes closed but was still playing with his hair.


Liam scrunched his face up the same way Louis’ does and it was definitely something the toddler got from Liam. He didn’t reply because he didn’t think getting all angry about this was going to get him anywhere. Instead he leaned back and closed his tired eyes.


The flight was pretty peaceful for Liam, he ended up falling asleep with Louis curled up in his lap until Niall woke him up to let him know they were landing.


It was late when they finally arrived and Liam was glad to be finally in a hotel again, he placed Louis down in the bed, the little boy pestering him to read him a book before he goes back to sleep. Of course Louis wants the character’s voices as well, so Liam calls Niall in and the two sit on the end of the small hotel bed creating a story with all the voices.


‘and in the end batman’s little helper finished his important mission and was returned back to his daddy. The end.” Niall grinned, Louis’ little eyes were hooded and Liam quickly changed him out of his outfit and into his pajamas, he gently wiped his hair out of his face and tucked him under the blankets, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead and plugging his night light into the wall, he switched it on and slowly creeped out of the room, pulling the door closed ajar.


He sighed out a breathe of relief and switched the kettle on for himself and Niall, as the blonde leaned against the counter top thumbing through his emails.

“did you get a call from Tony this morning about an interview?” Niall asked, dancing his fingers across the patterned bench, highly amused with himself. 

“yeah, told them to shove it because it was far too early and I have Louis, what about you?”

“Me and Harry are going to do it, I don’t know how Zayn got out of it.” Niall smiled, gently taking the hot steaming mug from Liam.

“Zayn gets out of everything.” Liam chuckled, slipping down into one of the kitchen chairs. Managing to find a couple of biscuits to munch on as well. Niall sat down opposite Liam, rubbing his eyes with his balled up fists and letting out a long yawn.

“Who would of thought a flight with a toddler would wear you out so much?” Liam chuckled. 

“your son is worth this, even though I’m not tired because of him, I have insomnia. Sleep for me is merely impossible.” Niall sighed, running his hand through his messy hair.

“well my insomnia starts with L and ends in ouis, because once you become a parent you always have one ear and one eye open, it’s an instinct.” Liam replied.

“at least your insomnia is cute and fluffy and makes everybody happy, mine is angry and grumpy and horrible. I want your insomnia.” Niall pouted.

“No, you can’t have him, and I won’t even consider sharing and I’m not willing to swap, sorry Niall.”

“you’re so mean to me.”

“it’s my job. I’m sorry.” Liam laughed, leaning over the table to pull Niall in for a hug. “This is the shit we talk about when we are tired. Bless us.”



hope you like! was more of a filter chapter! I have been crazy busy! love you all!

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