Chapter One

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Chapter One.

Liam was standing in the kitchen trying to find something in the cupboard that might interest Louis, the small child had woken up hungry and Liam was almost certain the beer Louis got out of the fridge wasn't going to satisfy him. He settled on a piece of toast with Nutella, he cut the bread up into small squares and helped Louis up into a seat.

For the first couple of minutes Louis played around with the food until he decided to place it in his mouth. Liam also gave him some juice before moving to sit beside Louis with his own plate of food, different pieces of fruit and a glass of water.

Louis had Nutella everywhere, it was scattering his clothes and skin, and there seemed to be more around face then anything. The small child turned his focus to Liam's half empty bowl of fruit and leaned over, smiling innocently.

"Lou have bo-nana?" He asked, hovering his tiny fingers above his food of choice. Liam smiled before simply nodding and ushering the piece of fruit closer to the child. Louis eagerly picked it up in his Nutella covered hands and placed it in his mouth.

As Liam was standing up to grab a soft towel to wipe Louis' face with, his doorbell signalled and he quickly scurried into the hallway. He opened the door happily and smiled when he saw the familiar face of Niall. He was holding a few bags and had rain littering his hair. Liam ushered him in and moved Louis' small suitcase out of the way after he'd knocked it with his feet.

"Where is this son of yours?" Niall asked scurrying through the house after he discarded the bags in the livingroom.

"Kitchen, he's covered in Nutella though" Liam replied, cooing slightly when he caught Louis leaning over the small table to take the fruit off Liam's plate. Niall peered around the door way and awed quietly punching Liam in the arm lightly.

"He's flipping gorgeous. How is he with new people?" Niall grinned, rolling on the balls of his feet as he constantly glanced towards Louis.

"He warmed up to me alright, I've only had him an hour or so. He's pretty content I think." Liam smiled, slowly leading Niall into the kitchen where Louis had finished the remained of the plate of fruit, Liam shuffled over to the sink and placed some warm water on the corner of a towel before he moved over to Louis and grabbed his little hands, wiping them gently until the sticky substance was removed from his fingers. He then did the same to Louis' face before hoisting him up on his hip, a giggle falling from the boys lips as he took a firm grip of the fabric covering Liam's shoulder.

"This is Niall, Lou. He's a friend of mine. You going to say hi?" Liam asked bouncing him slightly as Louis had a shy smile on his lips, before he gave Niall a quick wave and wrapped his arms around Liam's neck.

"Hello." Niall cooed, fixing Louis' small superman shirt and poking him on the nose which simply scrunched up afterwards, Louis touching it to make sure it was still there before staring at his fingers for a moment. Causing the two males to coo quietly to themselves.

"Louis play?" He asked whilst he'd yawned and touched the top of his head after Niall had ruffled a tuff of his hair.

Liam had to think for a moment before he wandered down the long hallway and up the stairs. He slipped into the closest room, he'd guess would be becoming Louis' soon and gently placed the boy on his own feet as he opened the wardrobe and pulled out a box full of toys. They'd been all the ones he'd gathered after concerts or been posted, most had something to do with toy story and batman, when Liam turned around Louis was already tugging many different items out of the box, grinning massively as he went.

Niall followed the two upstairs after he's retrieved the bags from the livingroom and chose to sit down on the cream carpet opposite Louis and Liam, the small child playing with the small batman and robin action figures.

"On the way here I stopped by the store and picked up a few things I guessed you're going to need for him" Niall smiled, emptying the content from the three plastic bags. He had sippy cups, plastic plates and spoons, pull ups, some books, a few toys and a soft blanket. Liam smiled pulling Niall into a sideways hug.

"Thanks Niall, can you watch him for a second? I need to grab something" Liam asked, but he was downstairs before Niall could even give him his full answer. He returned moments later with his laptop and plopped back down on the floor in between Niall and Louis.

Liam was designing and ordering Louis' bedroom, going with a simple light blue paint style, little music notes as decor, and his amazing Kobi bed in blue. He got a few extra things, like storage boxes for toys and a shelve for books that all matched the style Liam wanted. He also planned to buy a few things to go in whilst he was touring. He gave Niall a quick look before ordering the things and shifting his glance towards Louis who was now handing Liam the few stuffed toys he'd found, and proceeded to tell him the names he'd given them all.

"I think I love him already Niall" Liam grinned pulling Louis down to blow a raspberry against his skin. The baby erupting into a fit of giggles, his feet kicking rapidly and squeals falling from his lips cutely.

"I knew you would Payne." Niall replied cooing as he snapped a picture on his phone before stuffing it back into his pocket. "He's beautiful Liam, you two are going to get along really well." He assured, watching the two in admiration. He always knew Liam would be an amazing father, but this just proved his theory even more, and he wasn't going to mind having Louis on tour with them at all, he was a beautiful kid with a sweet personality and he knew the boy was going to make tour bus experiences all that more fun.


Here you go!

I've decided to start this and Homeless Item instead of 7 Eleven Boy, baby Louis is giving me feels.

I have a picture of Louis' bed on the side, it's pretty damn cute okay! >>>>>>>>

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Love you.


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