Chapter Sixteen

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"Daddy!" Louis yelled as he all but smashed into Liam's ankles. The older male rolled his eyes fondly as he tried to fix his button up in the mirror. Today they had a meet and greet and Louis was going with them. Only because Liam had nobody to drop him with. He wasn't sure how Louis was going to take the millions of screaming fans all of a sudden in his face but there wasn't much Liam could do.

"what's up Lou?" Liam asked as he lifted Louis up and let him rest against his hip. He kissed Louis on the forehead and blew a raspberry against his cheek.

"Lou no bath." Louis pouted, trying to suppress his giggles, which was failing. Liam was just about to scoff Louis for not listening to Niall when the blonde appeared from around the corner.

"come on Louis." Niall sighed as he took the toddler from Liam "leave your Daddy to get ready."

"I can take him." Liam offered, he felt bad for making Niall do his dirty work. Even though the blonde had offered.

"I've got it Liam." Niall cooed as he trundled back down the bus hallway. Liam turned back to the mirror in the living room when Harry came up and tapped Liam on the bum. Liam jumped, nearly knocking the mirror over in the process.

"jesus Haz, you scared the shit out of me." Liam swore, grabbing his heart as the curly haired lad grabbed Liam's waist.

"okay, so. Have you ever questioned your sexuality?" Harry asked, Liam furrowed his brows in confusion and snorted.

"um, what on earth made you ask me that?" Liam laughed.

"no, I'm being serious Liam. It's a proper question." Harry said, frowning a bit. Liam checked up and bit his lip. He felt his stomach do a flip as he leaned against the side of the couch.

"I have, yeah. Been something that's followed me around for years. After I broke up with Danielle, I just decided I was bi-sexual. It's not something I've ever spoken about before. Why are you asking me?" Liam asked again. His body going a bit stiff as he noticed the smirk on Harry's face.

"I just think you've been single for too long, Liam. You need to meet some people. I was curious because I know this guy who I think you'd like."

"Harry, no. That's definitely not going to happen. Let me focus on this tour and Louis for now, okay? When I'm ready I'll start looking again, but for now. I'm happy being single." Liam said as he pulled Harry into a hug "Thanks for thinking about me though." Liam smiled.


Liam was pretty anxious about taking Louis to the meet and greet and was even more anxious about having him sitting on his lap during the signing. He sat down in his cushioned seat, in between Niall and Zayn. Putting Liam in the middle was a better idea. It meant Louis couldn't get out and run around as easily as he would if he was on the end.

Louis was sleeping and Liam knew it was short lived, with all the screaming from the people around them. He placed Louis on his knee and let the toddler lean against his belly as he slept. His little mouth wide open.

Liam had to stop himself from bouncing his knee as he waited for the first line of fans to make their way down the row. Starting with Harry, the fans were already extremely overwhelmed by being face to face with Harry Styles. Liam couldn't blame them really.

Zayn was next, saying hello and signing the picture before pushing it along to Liam. As Liam smiled up at the fan she noticed Louis, who was still sleeping against Liam's tummy, little fists curled into his shirt. She cooed, her eyes going fond as she said quietly "He's so cute" as Liam signed her poster. He gave her a sincere smile and said thank you in return.

He felt relieved that while Louis was sleeping, every fan kept themselves mildly quiet whilst he signed their stuff. It wasn't until Louis woke up that Liam started to panic. His toddler could be a bit of a menace at times.

Louis stared at Liam's face for awhile, just whilst he woke up and took in his new surroundings. Eventually he tried to grab the black marker out of Liam's hand and squealed in delight as he saw all the people around the place.

Liam gave Louis a pencil and some paper, letting him scribble on it as he continue to sign and chat with fans. Soon enough though Louis became bored of scribbling on the white paper and as soon as the next fan arrived in front of him, he scribbled his pencil across the boys faces and giggled loudly.

"oh gosh, Louis. I'm so sorry, I'll get you a new one." Liam said, his face red with embarrassment as he tried to grab one of their crews attention, whilst trying to get the pencil off Louis as carefully as he could. He didn't want Louis to have a tantrum right now.

"It's fine, I don't mind. It's actually pretty cute." she assured, giving Louis a happy wave as he stared at her curiously, his little hands now smacking against her signed paper, swiping it around the table.

"are you sure? He's probably ruined your poster." Liam replied, clearly concerned as he uncapped his marker and quickly signed it. Trying to get the paper out of Louis' hands carefully.

"I like it, he added his own touch to it. It's cute. Thanks Louis." she cooed, giving him a wave before she moved down to Niall who laughed fondly at the scribble Louis did. Liam felt quite embarrassed by it, facepalming as he tried to find a safer way to keep Louis entertained.

Liam eventually gave Louis a sippy cup and a couple of biscuits to suck on. Louis sat contently for a while, smiling up at people cutely as they came by to get Liam's signature. Fans kept snapping pictures of the happy toddler as they stood in line or wandered past.

"Louis' outfit is so adorable!" a fan cooed, when Louis stood up on Liam's thighs, sippy cup in his hand. Liam rolled his eyes fondly at the toddler. He did agree that Louis' outfit was pretty cute though. He'd put the squealing toddler in a pair of navy jeggings with a white shirt saying 'Daddy's no.1'on the front with a blue plaid button up over the top, the buttons undone. He put him in a pair of adidas runners and before he arrived he was wearing a hat.

"I'm trying to maintain his high maintenance fashion style as best I can." Liam joked as he wrapped his spare arm around Louis' waist so he didn't fall. She cooed, snapping a picture. Catching Liam off caught whilst he was fixing Louis' shirt. She showed it to Niall who all but demanded it to be tweeted to him. Liam rolled his eyes.

Louis spent the rest of the meet and greet mostly well behaved, he only cried once. He scribbled on a few more fans posters and dropped his sippy cup on the floor once, but overall Liam was really happy with Louis' behaviour. He was really quite surprised by his little toddler. He stopped on the way back to the bus and brought Louis an ice cream and a some new toys, as an award for his great behaviour.

Before the meet and greet finished Liam got Niall to take a picture of him and Louis. Liam was kissing Louis' forehead lovingly and the toddler had his eyes crinkled happily as he giggled. Liam couldn't not share it because it was just far too cute for him not too.

liampayne: thank you to all the amazing fans who came to our meet and greet today ! we are so appreciative ! enjoy this cute arse picture of Louis and I today at the meet and greet.

niallhoran: m&g today with my little side kick. Yes I bought him those sunglasses and no I have no regrets. (Louis and Niall with matching sunglasses!)


Enjoy guys ! Sorry the long arse wait ! Here is some cute baby Louis fluff. Still can't get over his cuteness. Liam speaking about his sexuality to Harry though.

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⏰ Last updated: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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