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Band Baby

Louis squinted his tiny little toddler eyes for a moment and angled his chin up to stare at the tall male. Lips pursed into a straight line as he gripped his scuffed teddy bear closer and pushed his body back into the leg of the lady he referred to as 'Fran' he gave her long floral skirt a slight tug and stared up at her pleadingly.

"Louis go home now" he spoke, trying to hide his body away from the tall character in the doorway, Louis thought that if Liam couldn't see him, he couldn't see Louis either. "Fran Fran!" He quivered, little hands smacking against her kneecap and body pressed easily into hers.

"No Louis, you have to stay here now with this lovely man" she smiled, kneeling down to his level and fixing his overgrown fringe slightly, before tighten the straps to his tiny Velcro Spider-Man shoes. She tucked his tiny teddy back into his arms and pressed a kiss to his forehead.

"What? He can't stay here? Me and my band are going on tour in two days!" Liam squeaked, causing Louis to jump forward and curl his arms around the older woman's shoulders, his little eyes frantically peering over her shoulder to the tiny garden based in the front yard.

"I don't care where you are going, this little boy has to come and live with you, he has come all the way from America, he is very tired and very fragile and I suggest you keep your voice down, you're scaring him" she frowned, tightening her arms around Louis' small body slightly.

"I don't understand" Liam replied his voice barely audible now, a puzzled expression plastered across his face.

"Can I come in? I'll like to explain" she spoke, hoisting Louis up against her shoulder before picking up his small power rangers suitcase and stepping up the two remaining stairs that separated the three. Liam took a glance around his flat for a moment before usher the two inside. He himself looked like a mess, sweat beads on his forehead and his white shirt stuck to his skin from the workout he'd just returned from. He shuffled his laptop and paperwork off the couch and welcomed her to sit down whilst he grabbed a clean shirt and a face wash quickly. Sipping on a cold bottle of water when he returned. He stopped for a moment and removed a few books from the couch opposite the older womanand replacing them with a few blankets and a pillow.

"You can lay him here if you'd like" Liam smiled "he looks pretty lagged from that trip." He added. Fran smiled and removed Louis small jacket and shoes before gently laying him on the couch, his small head resting on the pillow and the quilt blanket laid gently over his body.

"I can put the kettle on and we can chat in the kitchen" Liam offered angling his body towards the doorway. She nodded and proceeded to follow the taller lad into his large modern kitchen. He clicked the switch to the appliance and made sure the purple kettle was filled with water before switching it on. He removed two mugs from his top cupboard and sat them on the counter. He supplied milk and sugar on the island and a few Oreo biscuit he guessed one of the other lads had left behind.

Once the teas were made and seats were sat in, Fran waited until Liam was settled before she spoke up, now clutching a handful of documents in her small hands, she pursed her lips and let out a sigh.

"I've been told you're unaware of the situation so I've come here to explain it to you. Four months ago we were told Louis was needed to be taken into foster care after a incident including his mother. His mother will never be in the right state of mind to raise a child, and we have been going over paperwork for a few months now and we found a few documentations that linked him to you" she stated, pausing for a moment to push a piece of fine paper into Liam's eye shot. "This is Louis' birth certificate which has clearly only been signed by one person. But we found a second copy of his birth certificate with a few other things. One of which is her will, and on her will she mentions that if anything was to happen to her she would want her son to be put in full custody with his father. Then on this file it states that on December 24th she tried contacting you through a text message but she got no reply, she later states that she figured that Louis is your son. Now, we have been to other family members and friends and have gathered enough information to prove you're the father of Louis" she says confidently, pushing a envelope slip across the table that is clearly a DNA sample that has come back positive as well as historical information about their relationship.

"Bella Dean, we dated for nearly four years" Liam breathed, his eyes now darting into the livingroom "t-this isn't real, he can't be mine" Liam protested running his hands through his hand nervously. "I don't believe it"

"Louis is two; he was born the 24th of December 2011, Bella is paralysed from the shoulders down and is unable to respond, we don't think she'll make it to the end of the year, her request is for Louis to be put completely in your care" she replies pressing a hand to Liam's arm gently "I know this is a lot to take in, but Louis is a sweet kid, he's an angel he's got a big personality but he is still super polite, you're going to love him just as much as she did"

"What about my career? Management isn't going to allow this." Liam panicked, burying his head into his hands. His head hurt and his eyes were stinging.

"Management has been all taken care of Liam" she assured before sipping the remaining splash of her tea and standing up, placing the paperwork back in the small blue folder "this is for you. His birth certificate and few other documents stating his connection to you. Have fun with your gorgeous son, it was a pleasure meeting you both" she grinned gathering up the rest of her things and tucking Louis' blanket up further, taking a moment to say good bye. As she slipped out the door she waved contently "bye Liam, I wish you the best of luck"

Liam was left standing in the hallway of his home, hands tugging at his hair profusely. He waits a moment before he dials the first number he can remember. He sits quietly opposite the couch Louis is sleeping on and tried to relax himself a moment.

"Niall, I have a son and I don't know what to do, his mother is dying and her wish was for him to be in my custody, he's only two. Niall want am I going to do?"

"You of all people was the last I expected to be handed a kid in the midst of your career, but you're the most sensible so you'll find a way to make this work." Niall assured "is he gorgeous? What's he look like?"

"Y-yeah he's pretty damn gorgeous, blue eyes, chestnut coloured hair, button nose. He's nothing like me, not even personality wise" Liam sighed, running his fingers through his hair and pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Don't get so upset about this Li, any of us would die to have a child." Niall cooed "what's his name? It's not something silly is it?"

"His name is French I think. Louis" Liam replied "but a kid at this age, at this point in my career? Maybe in two years or so, but right now. Two days out from our world tour, I don't think this whole thing is going to work"

"Just think it out, like you do with everything else. Buy him a pair of ear muffs and a box of toys and he can sit back stage with Lux until our concert is over, then you can take him back to the bus or hotel and watch movies with him until he falls asleep."

"You make this whole thing sound simple, children have to be fed, watered, bathed. They aren't a toy, they are big responsibilities. He's two and probably not potty trained." Liam sighed flopping down onto the black leather couch "babies like to run around and have fun, not be cooped up in a bus or tiny rooms for hours on end. Maybe I shouldn't do this tour, I mean I have no where for him to go. Mum and dad are in Dallas, Nicola is travelling Egypt and Ruth lives in Scotland now."

"No Liam, this will work, we can make this tour work with your cute son. Now. I'll see you in fifteen minutes, I'm coming over to see this son of yours. He sounds adorable."

"Thanks Niall." Liam said softly, smiling slightly. Before he hung up and relaxed into the couch, just staring across at the petite boy. Maybe Niall was right, maybe he could make this work.


I really wanted to write some baby Louis!

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