Chapter 9

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The whole way home. I'm in a car full of boys. I should be happy, but I'm not. I'm freaking out, begging for someone to finally talk, but they won't.

"ME AND AARON GOT SUSPENDED!" I finally blurt out. In the rear view mirror I see Aaron's eyes become the size of golf balls. Ben slams on the brakes. He clutches the steering wheel tightly.

"Excuse me?" He growls through clenched teeth.

"me and aaron got suspended." I say, quieter, cowering into the window.

"Care to explain why my baby sister got suspended?" So I do, I tell him the whole story. Every little bit. While Aaron poops himself in the back seat, he's afraid of what Ben might do to him. When I'm finished, Ben smiles! He actually smiles!

"You're smiling? Why?" He chuckles.

'I'm proud of you! You finally stood up for yourself!" He starts up the car again.

"Ooohkay?" I give him a weird look, look back at Aaron who just shrugs at me.

"Mom might not be though..."

"She won't find out." I sneer, giving him a 'try me' look. "It's only a week."

When we get home, I invite Aaron in, but he declines saying he needs to break the new to his family and he'll text me later about the whole thing.

"Call me if you need help." I tell him, as he starts to walk up his driveway. He gives me a thumbs up and walks in the front door.

"Hey kids! How was school?" My mom asks from the kitchen. My heart beat quickens.

"It was good mom, but I'm pooped. I think I'm going to go take a nap or work on homework." I say, walking up the stairs and go into my room.

I open my eyes to the sound of the doorbell ringing. I look at my clock and see that I fell asleep for 30 minutes. I groan turning away from the window. I'm slowly slipping into sleep, when my name is hollered.



'Ye-yeah mom?" I voice quivers as I walk downstairs. When I get to the bottom, I see an ashamed Aaron and a very angry, very pretty lady standing next to him. My mother is staring at me, fuming. The pretty lady walks in a sits on a couch with my mother and Aaron steps in, shutting  the door and never looking up to meet my gaze.

"Sit." They both growl at us. Me and Aaron sit on the couch opposite them. I look down, playing with my fingers. I mentally scream at Aaron in my head.

"Hasley? Why the hell were you suspended?" My mother asks. I know she's pissed, because she never cusses. Ever.

"I-I." I sigh, looking up at her. "I stood up for myself ok?" My mother looks taken aback.

"Then why was Aaron suspended as well?" She asks, raising her eyebrows.

"Aaron just happened to be at the wrong place and was trying to stick up for me. So when the principle came, she pulled him along too, and when the other girl told "her side of the story" she made it sound like me and Aaron were the bad guys." I say, throwing my hands up in defeat. Beside me, Aaron nods his head along with me.

'You stood up for yourself?" My moms tone suddenly changes to proud. Great. I'd rather not have a mushy mother-daughter moment right now.


"Wha- Mom!" I laugh out.

Soon my mom and Aaron's mom are talking and me and Aaron are just sitting on my couch awkwardly. I ask my mom if me and Aaron can go up to my room cause we'd rather not be sitting on the couch. She just waves us off as she proceeds to talk to her new friend. I shrug my shoulders, taking that as a yes, and get up with Aaron in tow.

Once I shut the door Aaron attacks me with thank you's. I laugh him off, falling onto my bed.

"She was going to ground me for life, if it wern't for you!" He says, laughing.

'Now I doubt life, but by the looks she was giving me, I would probably believe it." I say, sitting up on my elbows. Aaron just smirks, he's about to say something, when his phone starts ringing. He looks down at it. A strained look crosses his face.

"Everything all right?" I ask, confused. He gulps.

"Its-uh-my- uh girlfriend. I'll be right back."

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