I'm Sorry

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Hey guys. I'm sorry that I haven't updated any of my books in a while.... A LOT has been going on in the past couple months...

1) My aunt almost died cause her heart stopped and they put her in a coma and said she wasn't going to make it but then she survived and they said that this was EXTREMLY rare and shouldn't have happened.

2) I went to kids camp as a teen consoler and then I met this super sweet boy who liked me but then I ended up getting played... so we're kinda done.

3) As soon as I got home from kids camp, my grandpa went back into the hospital, everyone thinking it wasn't a big deal... well he was in there from July 29 to August 20 <3. As the days went on , they thought he was getting better until he fell so they had to keep him longer, then school started August 19 and My brother sister and I were told by my mother and grandma that my papa wasn't going to make it... they gave him 24-48 hours...the infection that was in his hand had ended up spreading to his brain and he couldn't think straight or keep a straight conversation with you or made any sense, he couldn't move his arms because the one had the infection in it and the other he had gotten stitches in because he fell so both were bandaged up, he couldn't move his legs because he had to get stitches in the one from when he fell and he ended up getting sores in the other and couldn't lift it, he struggled to move it but couldn't. He couldn't move or get up and he was in so much pain! We didn't get to say goodbye... The next day, I got out of school at 2:15 as usual, but this time I had gone on facebook and saw a message from someone saying I heard out your grandpa I'm sorry. At first I thought she was just saying sorry for being in the hospital then I got off my wall and looked at my news feed and saw a post made by my dad... the beginning said, today I lost my best friend... I was in sooo much shock! And at that same time, I was going by the hospital because my school was across the street from it. I sat there and stared out the window, unable to cry. He died at around 9 am.... That night while I was taking a shower, it finally hit me, my grandpa was gone! And I broke down in the shower and started to ball my eyes out. It went like this for the whole week, it was as if the shower cleared my head from all that happened that day and made me see what was really happening, grief and death. The next Sunday, we had the funeral for him and I gave a slideshow and sand Amazing Grace behind it, that was my gift for my papa. I can now talk and write and read about it, its easier but yes it still hurts. He was only 71.

4) Happy things now! I met this really cute boy who is a major flirt! I don't know if he's flirting with me and likes me or if he's just playing me like I was in the summer.

    I'll be glad to answer any questions you have. :) I'll appreciate happy comments and messages. Please don't be mad at me and yell at me for not writing, I honestly wasn't even close to thinking about these stories! Sooo much has been on my mind!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2013 ⏰

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