Chapter 33

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"Baby? It's ok to be scared..." Aaron says into my hair as we cuddle in my bed.

"I'm not scared. I'm terrified." I tell him truthfully. He sighs and pullss me closer to him.

"I wish he were dead."

"Don't. I just wish he'd leave me alone. Why me?" He sighs again.

"I don't know. If I could make him change I woould." I chuckle.

"Why are you laughing?"

"I was just remembering when we hated each other." He starts laughing.

"Haha me too! Oh my goodness you were horrible!" My mouth pops open.

"I was horrible? YOU were horrible!"

"Oh whatever."

"You dunked my head into the toilet!"

"That was a one time thing."

"You did it four times!" I sit up, leaning against his chest. "THAT DAY!"

"Oh shut up. You know I was sorry." He said while pulling me in for a kiss. Our kiss is interrupted by giggling from next door.

"Think they're having fun tonight?" Aaron wriggles his eyebrows at me.

"No." I say bluntly. Even though I know El is probably having sex with Nick. Just the thought sickens me. I mean really think about your two best friends, then think about them having sex.

"I love you." he whispers, combing his fingers in my hair.

"I love you more." I look back down at him. This perfect creature under me is mine.


My baby. My Price. My Teddy Bear. Perfection.

"What?" he asks, smiling.

"Nothing. I was just thinking about how you were all mine Bear." he smiles at the name.

"I was thinking about how much I love my love bug." I smile back down at him.

"You're too perfect for me." he shakes his head.

"It's the other way around peanut." I smile.

"Well then maybe we can be unperfect together?" he smiles and nods his head, pulling me in to kiss my lips again. I pulled away and lay my head onto his chest, as he rubbed my back in soothing motions.

After about an hour I let out a sigh. "Can't sleep?" he asks.

"Exactomundo." I sit up and look into his eyes. I read them instantly.


"But why not." I gently grab the sides of his face and rub my thumbs on the smooth skin.

"Baby it's not the right time. I think."

"I think we should just do it! Why do you need a right time?" tears welled up in my eyes.

"I'm not ready to do that Aaron." I snapped at him. "In case you have forgotten, I was rapped." he looks taken aback. He sighs and rubs his hands over his face, running them down his chest then to my waist, where I sit on his hips, looking down at him.

"I know I know. I'm sorry. I just love you, I don't want you to forget that you're mine." I smile sweetly at him.

"We don't need to have sex to prove that I'm yours. Babe? I love you soooo much, it's unbelievable! But I'm not quite ready yet." I place my hands at his v line and subconsciously rub my fingers in circular motions. I can feel him tense, a lot.

"You're not making this any easier."

"Soon." he suddenly perks up. "When I'm ready you'll know."

"How?" a playful smile plays at my lips.

"I might ask you to go shopping with me." his eyes widen slightly.

"No." he shakes his head, furiously. "I might end up doing it in the store with ya." I stick out my bottom lip and bat my puppy eyes.

"Pwease?" he groans.

"Fine. Just as long as its sooner not later." I smile.

"I'm perfectly fine with that." I lean in and kiss his lips again.

"Babe? I need another name for you." I can feel his chest move as he chuckles.

"Tigger?" I suggest.

"Tigger?" he repeats.

"Yeah it's cute and mine. I like it."

"Fine. Tigger it is."

"Hey you're lucky cause Tigger is the kind of name you can only use with certain things."

"Lucky me." he says sarcastically.

"I love you."

"I love you more baby. Good night." he kisses my forehead.



"Thank you." I can feel him smile.

"Of course. Anytime. I love you more than life it self." I lift my drowsy head up.

"You do?" I say on the verge of happy tears.

"Of course baby." he pulls me down to him. "Now go to sleep."

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