Chapter 24

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"What is the Green House Effect?" The teacher asks, turning around after writing on the white board. No one raises their hand.

"Hasley?" I lift my head to see the whole class staring at me.

"Yes ma'am?" I say, nervously. I hadn't been paying attention at all, I don't even know what class I'm in right now. The teacher raises her eye brows at me.

"Care to answer what a Green House Effect is?" I smirk, that's the easiest question she could ask.

"The greenhouse effect is a process by which thermal radiation from a planetary surface is absorbed by atmospheric greenhouse gases, and is re-radiated in all directions. Since part of this re-radiation is back towards the surface and the lower atmosphere, it results in an elevation of the average surface temperature above what it would be in the absence of the gases." I take a breath, geezz that was simple.

I look around to see everyone staring at me, mouth ajar and wide eyed. I look away, blushing, its the last period of the day and after school is the Junior camping trip. I get lost in my thoughts of the camping trip that I almost don't even hear the bell ring. Aaron accidentally bumped into me and jostled me from my thoughts.

"You wanna ride home?" I smile, remembering that Aaron's mom gave him a silver Ford Mustang for getting straight A's this semester.

"Please?" I ask with a sweet smile. He rolls his eyes.

"You know I couldn't say no." he picks up my textbook and walks with me to my locker.

Its been 4 weeks since Reece did the unimaginable.

It's also been 4 weeks since me and Aaron have kissed...

"You ok?" I shake my head and look up at a concerned Aaron. I give him a half hearted smile.

"I-I-yeah I'm fine." I lie. I miss Aaron. Even though we hang out everyday, it just isn't the same anymore. Everything's different.


I look up at a concerned, sexy looking, Aaron. "Do you love me as a best friend or-or more?" I ask my pondering question. He grins at me, taking my hands in his.

"Both I guess."

"Good." but before he can answer, I smash my lips to his. We kiss intensely. He kisses me harder and harder, wrapping his arms around my waist. He starts to play with the strings on his basketball shorts that I'm wearing, undoing them, then literally ripping them off of me, split down both sides of the leg. I stare up at him in amazement, before he pushes me back against his bed, and kisses me forcefully. He plays with the hem of my t-shirt, then slips it over my head, throwing it to the ground. He stops kissing me, and looks down at me with eyes full of lust and want. I grin sexily up at him, playing with the hem of his basketball shorts. He rolls his eyes at me and takes them off, revealing his rubber duckie boxers. I let out a giggle as I take in the sight. He glares sexily at me as he climbs in the blankets and cuddles up next to me.

Next thing I know, his hands are rubbing up and down the side of my stomach, stopping just below my sports bra. A humongous part of me is telling me to just take it off and live in the moment, you know yolo. But a very tiny part is saying leave it on, if he wants it off, he'll do it himself. But he must have been reading my mind, because at one point I catch his eyes staring lustfully at my boobs. I roll my eyes as he keeps inching his way farther and farther up side, till at one point his finger grazes the side of my boob, sending chills down my spine and for his hand to freeze in shock. His eyes slowly leave my chest and drift up to my eyes as if begging.

I roll my eyes, basically giving him the go.

He rips it off of me.

My mouth falls open as I stare at the remains of my favorite sports bra. His eyes rack over my body, as his mouth opens and closes, no words coming out. Finally his eyes come back to mine.

"Wo-Wow Hazy. I mean... Wow." he breathes out. I smirk at him proud that I've flustered him. I wrap my arms around his waist and pull myself closer to him, feeling something hard, I look up at him confused.

"Uh Aaron? What's in your bed?" I ask, watching his eyes flash to the look of horror. Then it finally clicks as my eyes go wide. "Shit." he mumbles. Getting out of bed and throwing some pants on and giving me one of his shirts. I sit up in his bed.

"My moms home." I jump out of bed and collect my things, looking back for Aaron, I find that he's right behind me, I almost jump at the close proximity. His hands reach for my waist just as I'm about to go out the window. I look into his eyes and give him a small smile. He kisses my nose and opens the window for me.

"Text me when you get inside." I nod my head, wondering if I should kiss him or not. I hesitate, and he can see the dilemma in my eyes and chuckles while rolling his eyes. Leaning down he kisses me forcefully but gently. I smile under his kiss, give him one last peck before gliding out the window.

I sit on my balcony, and text Aaron.  


"I'm home....?"  

"Good....I think we should talk about us..."  

"Oh..." I look over and see Aaron at the window watching me.  

"Hazy, I do love you, but I don't want to ruin our friendship... I think we should end whatever this is..."

I stare at the text, mortified. He just saw me half naked. He saw my boobs. We made out! Am I not a good kisser? Do I look like shit naked? Does he hate me? I throw my phone against the balcony and run into my room, hearing my name being called. I run into the bathroom and crawl into a ball on the floor and cry myself to sleep.

***End of Flashback***

"Haz, you're lying. Come on I know you. What the hell is wrong?"

Yeah you know me a little too well I think. He pulls into his driveway and I hope out of the car immediently. I try to walk past him to my house to finish packing but he grabs my hand and pulls me back to him.

"I'll see you tonight..." I try to pull away but he doesn't let go.

"Can't I give you a ride? Bens a senior he's not going?" I look down, ashamed.

"I'll walk." he grabs my chin and pulls it up so I have to look at him.

"What the hell is the matter with you?!"

I don't answer.

"You're getting a ride from me, and I'm sitting with you on the bus till I can figure this out. No ifs ands or buts."

I don't answer.

Now he just looks pained. His best friend is ignoring him.

"Baby? Is it something that I did?" I only look away from him.

"Hasley please tell me what I did!?" he begs me.

"Let me pack." I state, still not looking at him. His grip loosens, he doesn't take his eyes off of me.

"Fine be ready by five." he says, half angry and dazed.

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