Simply Breathtaking

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I woke up to the sound of knocking on my door. With an instant headache I walked to the door and swung the door open. Jake was standing midway through a knock. He lowered his hand.

"What do you want?" I groan and rub my eyes.

"The president has requested you."

"Tell him I am busy." I say and try to close the door. Jake shoves his through in between the frame and the door and pushes it back open.

"I think you will want to hear what he has to say." He tells me. I roll my eyes and walk into my room.

"Give me five minutes." I hiss at him. He nods and shuts the door, waiting in the hallway. I consider locking the door and falling back asleep but I have a feeling that no one would leave me be. I grab a dirty shirt from the floor and smell it. I shrug at the stench and throw it over my head. I put on the pants from the night before and collected my hair in a ponytail. I walked over to the door and threw it open making Jake stand up from his leaning position on the wall.

"Let's go." I demanded and took the lead though I had no idea where we were going. I figured our meeting was upstairs so I headed to the elevator and entered, letting Jake push the correct button. He did and we ascended upwards. I sighed and crossed my arms.

"Is there something wrong Alex?" Jake asks. I look over at him and his short brown hair. His eyes where a mesmerizing blue and his lips where perfectly seductive. I looked away, relieving myself from the pain of checking out my friend.

"Just tired." I say simply and he nods understandingly. For a few moments it was quiet. Then he spoke.

"You know you actually did alright yesterday at the assembly." He admits.


"I know that the president didn't like it but he got us into this mess in the first place." He adds and I nod sadly. It was a mess and I was determined to fix it. The thought in my and other minds around the city was if I could do it.

The elevator door opened and we stepped out. Jake took my hand and I shivered from the touch. The last time he did this was the day I became a soldier, the day where something so horrid was prevented by the man who is now holding my hand and rubbing my thumb knuckle. He led me through halls after halls and finally we stopped at a door and entered.

The room was narrow and a large conference sat in the middle with twenty or so chairs surrounding it. In the chairs were men with suits and grey hair. At the very end if the table sat the president who was currently speaking.

"Can someone please find the citizen who is doing graffiti on the walls outside? If we are going to have a war it might as we-" Jake interrupted him by clearing his throat. Everyone looked our way and Jake dropped my hand.

"Oh welcome Alex!" The president exclaims. "You and Jake can sit right there." He orders as he points to two office chairs at the end of the table.

"May I ask why I need to be here?" I question a bit rudely as I sit down next to Jake

"We will get to that in just a moment. But first would you like some water?" He asks pointing to glasses and a pitcher of water.

"No thank you." I reply, hoping he would get to the point.

"Very well." He pauses and looks at his hands and then looks back up to me. "I have thought very hard about your suggestion to do something about our current situation and I have came to a solution."

"And?" I ask sitting up further in my chair.

"I couldn't agree more." He admits and smiles. "I have decided to create a mission. Twenty soldiers will be hand picked by me and travel to the opposing headquarters where they will gather Intel. Then come back and report to me. The mission will be non-contact and has almost no risk factor." He explains and I nod.

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