Author's Note

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Hello! The long awaited three-quell to Adeena Cole has arrived! Sorry/Not sorry for the wait! As you can see, I have written an AUTHOR'S NOTE! Here we go...

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND VOTING AND COMMENTING! I put this on Wattpad because this is my passion, and the love I've received is incredible! Every little comment and vote makes my heart swell with happiness and pride, I didn't expect to get any views at all. I was sorely mistaken. *wipes eyes dramatically* I'm getting all emotional...Please excuse my unexpected burst of sentimental attitude. It won't happen very often, I promise.

Well, after this author's note comes some sweet fanfiction! Following this short bit of monologuing, Adeena will change, Jack will decide, Will will die, and Elizabeth will convert! Am I being literal? Once again, kinda.

I also want your opinion on something...I'm debating whether or not Adeena and Jack should have kids. I really don't know. I know that 'fatherly' is not a word I would describe the Captain with, so I want your opinion. Should I, or should I not?

Another twist I may insert into the plot is whether or not Adeena will become Adeena Sparrow (Nice ring to it). I actually probably will, I just can feel it in my Spidey-Senses, so how do you recommend I do it? I think I may give the two lovebirds Will and Elizabeth's wedding (Yes, obviously Lizzie will become a Turner in the same way, but at a different time in the Maelstrom) but with modifications. Such as, Jack marries them and fûcks up his vows in the usual Jack way.

I'm gonna have to do some writing from Jack's perspective, but in third person view, if that makes sense. I've done that twice in the previous books, once while Adeena is being molested *growl* in the first book and when Jack is eaten by the kraken in the second. I need Jack's point of view in the book to make everything make sense. This may result in some really long chapters, or extra chapters.

I'm naming the chapters this time! I'm doing this because At World's End is so monumental: All of the questions from the first film are answered, Jack comes back, other stuff...*wink wink* I'll be doing one for One Stranger Tides as well (Most likely!) because heck, I have so much fun writing this I may have to continue beyond On Stranger Tides.

Please enjoy this as much as I enjoy writing it! Continue on! Updates shall occur once a week.

Lots of Love!


It's been like a year since I touched these books? Literally? Wow.

Anyway -- if you're an old reader, from before this trilogy went under major edits, you'll remember that in book one Adeena was sexually assaulted.

If you aren't an old reader: this is completely foreign to you and you're confused. I'll explain:

PREVIOUSLY, BEFORE EDITS, in book one Barboussa's crew raped Adeena and that sounds terrible and that's why I removed that from the story.

I realized that if a male character doesn't need to get raped to have character development than a female character doesn't either.

Actually the reason I did it in the first place was that another successful fanfic series did lolol I'm such a loser

BUT if at any time in this book the rape is mentioned or alluded to AT ALL please please PLZ commment. It would mean a lot to me and takes you like two seconds.

I don't want that shit in my stories anymore. My writing has matured and so have I. I really wish I hadn't written that in the first place.

Again, if you find it anywhere in this book or the previous installments, PLEASE TELL ME.

Thx lovelies! See y'all later~~

note from Ainsley From 2020: again, thank you for reading this story. four years later I STILL receive consistent reviews on this behemoth of a series. y'all warm my heart.

if you enjoy Adeena, you will 100% enjoy my new potc story: Take Off Your Dress, Pick Up A Sword. it's similar to these books, but with a fresh OC. i believe it's a more mature version of my writing. when you're through with Adeena, please consider checking it out! xoxo

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