Chapter Two: Dangerous

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Almost automatically, the pirates were fighting together, against the EITC. I killed and stabbed and slashed at the Navy, yelling vile things at them, and soon there were puddles of blood at my feet. I couldn't risk one of my un-godly screams at the moment, the Singaporean pirates wouldn't know to close their ears.

I ran another man through with my sword and glanced up. Elizabeth was pushed out of the way of Mercer's bullet by Will, who had broke free of his bonds, and the lead ball embedded itself in the forehand of one of Sao Feng's handmaidens. She was caught by her twin, who looked murderous.

I quickly looked away.

I spun around, screaming a battle cry, as someone attempted to stab me. He was on the floor after a few exchanges between the barrel of his rifle and my cutlass, staining my boots red.

I ran out of the bathhouse, following Barboussa and Elizabeth, absentmindedly knocking the redcoats out of my way. I yelped in pain, and half in fury, as someone sliced at my leg, opening a deep gash. I spun around and there was no one there, though I could see the flaps of a red jacket flying around the corner.

"Ears!" I shrieked, and then screamed, a short one, almost out of the human hearing range. The tail of the redcoat went limp, and the coat's owner toppled over backwards.

I nearly ran into the rest of the crew, as we had all miraculously made it to the docks of Singapore. "Do you have the charts?" Elizabeth asked Will breathlessly. I limped to them, lightheaded, and leaned against Barboussa, the one nearest to me. He supported me but made no comment about my sliced open calf.

"Better," Will replied, ruffling the Navigational Charts, then smirking proudly as a troupe of Singaporean pirates stepped up behind him. "A ship and a crew."

Barboussa turned his head. Another wave of Navy officers were charging into the fray. He silently gestured for us to come on and held me up with one arm.

We hurried through the battle, unnoticed, and to the ship Will had acquired. It took a moment for me to gather courage to cross the plank, over the open water, and onto the Hai Peng. "I'm fine," I grunted, sitting on the stairwell. I ran my eyes over the wound. It was still bleeding, but barely.

"Ye may say that, but there is no harm in askin' for help," Barboussa smiled devilishly and gestured for Elizabeth to come and help me. I glared at him but allowed her to take me below decks to a cabin.

"I should've been more alert," I grumbled, wiping the blood with a wet rag. I ignored the sting. Elizabeth and I were to share a cabin, and I sat on my bed. She leaned against the wall, waiting.

"It isn't your fault," She assured me, smiling but concern glinting her in honey colored eyes. "None of this is."

I leaned back and studied her. "None of this is my fault?" I asked incredulously. "I let him climb back on the Pearl, Elizabeth, I let him convince me. It's my fault he's dead." I felt the familiar hot feeling of tears behind my eyes. I blinked and willed the feelings to leave; they were soon replaced with a cold determination.

Elizabeth glanced at the floor and then at me. "It's not your fault," She said gently. "It's anything but." She hesitated. "Jack--"

"Don't say his name." I requested quietly.

"He," She continued, kneeling beside me, "He wanted me to tell you something."

I stared at the floor, waiting.

"He wanted me to tell you he's sorry," She whispered, sadness and guilt underlying her voice.

A few tears escaped my eyes.

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