Chapter Five: New

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I opened my eyes, vaguely aware of the warm waves lapping at my lower body. I coughed weakly and pushed myself up slightly, gazing around.

We were on a beach, pieces of ship wreckage washing up beside me. I was half submerged, and covered in sand.

I splashed myself and shot up, pacing toward shore. He was here, somewhere. I would see him, touch him, hear him again.

"This truly is a god-forsaken place," Gibbs said quietly, his eyes sweeping the area.

I spun around to face them, they were all slowly emerging from the water. "Where is he?" I was speaking mostly to Tia and Barboussa; they had somewhat led our expedition.

"He's here," Barboussa growled, trudging ashore. "Davy Jones never once gave up what he took."

"It doesn't matter, now!" Will accused Barboussa, raising is voice slightly. "Thanks to you, we're trapped here, same as him!"

"Witty Jack," Tia Dalma drawled. She was stroking a white crab, grinning with her mouth of golden teeth. I glared at her. The rest of them had learned to not use his name around me, but she had bluntly insisted on saying it. "Is closer dan ya may t'ink..."

I continued to glare at her, but someone distracted me with a gasp.

I turned my head, and almost fainted.

The top of the Black Pearl's mast was peeking over the top of the distant sand dunes.

I watched in shock as the whole ship rose from behind the sand, the crashed down to sail down the other side. I could basically hear the heroic music. And atop the mast, was


I let out a strangled gasp and stood still. He was there, right there.

"Impossible," A Chinese sailor whispered.

"Boat," Ragetti said in shock, pointing a shaky finger at the Pearl as it sailed through the sand and into the water.

"Slap me thrice and hand me to me momma!" Gibbs exclaimed, starting forward, along with the rest of the crew. "It's Jack!"

I covered my mouth and ran forward, absolutely spell bound. I saw Elizabeth out of the corner of my eye; she started to run forward, elated, but then her face fell and she froze, glancing at Will. He watched her accusingly.

The crabs were crawling and creeping to reside under Tia's skirts. I didn't give that a second thought either.

I didn't have time to care.

I hid behind the crew. I didn't want him to see me yet. I needed to just look at him.

After months, I finally was seeing him.

He swaggered up the sand, looking proud and defiant. He was exactly the same. Same beads and dreadlocks, same beautiful face, his fancy beard and goatee, gorgeous chocolate eyes, flamboyant pirate attire, same him. I ran my gaze over him, trying to memorize his face.

"Mr. Gibbs!" He demands. I stare at him, not wanting to miss a word coming out of his mouth.

"Aye, Captain!" Gibbs grins. I know that he's especially happy to see him once more; they were fairly close friends.

"I expect you're able to account for your actions, then?" He asked, dreads swinging. He isn't as...normal as I thought originally. His demeanor is different, somehow.

"C-Captain?" Gibbs stutters, obviously confused. He shoots the rest of us a glance.

"There has been a perpetual and virulent lack of discipline upon my vessel, Gibbs! Why is that, sir?" He rolls forward on his feet, looking intimidating.

Adeena Cole: At World's EndWhere stories live. Discover now