Chapter Sixteen: Immortal

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"Will," I called, pulling myself up and over the railing. 

He turned, having been staring reminiscently out over the sea, hanging off of the ratlines. "Adeena." 

I stalked over to him, an odd stillness in the air. "How does it feel to be immortal?"

He rolled his eyes. I doubted that's what he wanted to hear. "Tell Jack I feel just like I did yesterday." He informed me with a hint of disdain for the pirate. 

I frowned. That stung a bit. "Elizabeth is thrilled you're alive."

He smiled slightly at her name. "I'm thrilled that she is. Did she tell you that we married in the middle of the battle?"

I blinked. Wasn't that odd? "Elizabeth Turner," I tried. "That sounds wonderful. I've forgiven her, by the way. And I am also married, if you care." Gah, it was still weird. 

Will's gaze had been drifting, but it snapped back to me as if I had just grown two heads. "Married? Jack?"

I rolled my eyes. "Who else? Yes, Will, Jack married us." I felt the smile unwillingly climb to my lips. "Adeena Sparrow. I rather like it, but I know you don't like him...I frankly don't care."

He sighed, as if my fate was sealed. "If he hurts you --"

"Yes, yes, you'll kill him," I waved him off, "And you'll have to come through me, and I do happen to be part Siren, which I am sure you are now aware of due to your new --" I gestured at him, "Unnaturalness." 

The look in his eyes was guarded. "One day. Every ten years."

I hardened my gaze. "It could be never." I said harshly. "But Jack Sparrow proved that he is not the heartless pirate you make him out to be, as did your father. I hope you can respect my decisions, William." 

"Tell him thank you along with the original message." He said after a moment.

"Fine by me." 

I walked forward and into his embrace, realizing I wouldn't be seeing him very often, now that his heart was locked away in that blasted chest. "I'll really miss you, Will." 

"I'll miss you as well." He replied softly. I closed my eyes, thankful. 


"Your chariot awaits," Gibbs told Elizabeth with a smile. When her carefully stony expression didn't soften, his grin fell. "The oars are inside." He said quietly, stepping away. 

She began walking down the line we had formed, meeting our gazes in turn, nodding to those she was particularly close to. "Mrs. Turner." Barboussa acknowledged her, a glint in his eyes. She smiled slightly.

"Goodbye, poppet," Pintel said. Ragetti was at his side, looking as if he was holding back tears. I'd heard that story; seems they were friends, in the end. 

She stopped beside me, turning so we could face one another. Without comment I stepped froward and wrapped my arms around her. 

She reciprocated. "I'm truly sorry, Adeena." 

"I know. It's fine." I said. "Congrats." 

"Same to you. He's a good man, don't let him think otherwise." 

"Ha." I smiled as I pulled away. She looked slightly amused, but I didn't think she was in the mood.

Jack was next. He was obviously trying to act like he didn't care (bastard) but I think he did, anyway. "Jack," She said, "It would have never worked out between us." 


"You keep tellin' yourself that, darling." He smiled mischievously, knowing very well that I was right there. "But you're right." His gaze drifted to mine. Fine, you've redeemed yourself, Jack Sparrow.

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