Chapter Nineteen: Healed

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I was, once again, screaming. 

Whether it was from the pain or the panic as I toppled over the railing and to the water I did not know, but as the waves drew closer, I fell silent and waited. 

Hitting the water reminded me of last year, on Isle de Pelegosto. Jack and I had fallen a greater distance than what I just had, and it felt exactly the same, like hitting a solid wall. Spots danced before my vision as white hot pain licked at my stomach, and I curled up around the wound that was driven deep into my gut. 

Was I going to die? It suddenly occurred to me, what the outcome of this would have to be. My lungs were screaming, my vision was swimming, I could barely think. 

I knew why Jack feared it now. Death. It was the apprehension, and the simple unknown that made it so terrifying. What did come after the moment in which my heart stopped?

I grew even more frantic, even trying to kick to the surface. I did believe that God was above us, dictating the rules, what was good and bad. Which was why I didn't want anything to do with him; no one ruled Adeena Sparrow. No one. 

So where would I end up after I passed on? 

I couldn't hold it back any longer. I gasped for air, and only got a mouthful of salt. Choking, I sank again. This is stupid. I thought, amusing myself for a moment, before the gravity of the situation hit me again. 

I stopped struggling, giving up. The currents were too strong. 

Which was why I was absolutely shocked when something began pushing me toward the surface. 


There was so much chaos that Jack barely knew how he ended up with the chest, a broken sword, and a...wife. That was just weird, he decided, calling Adeena that. He'd refrain from the technical terms. Partner sounded less formal and more like someone who he'd end up stuck with in a prison cell. 

His confusion was probably partly due to Davy Jones, he realized, shaking away the dizziness. Yes, that was right. Squid face had knocked him out. 

Judging by the way the battle looked exactly as it had before Davy's claw found its way to his face, he'd only been unconscious for a minute or so. 

Oh, wait. It was not exactly as it had been a minute or so ago. William was on the ground, as well as Elizabeth, and -- very conveniently -- the chest was lying not three feet away from him! And to top it off, the key remained clutched in his fist. Excellent turn of events. 

He wasn't sure where Adeena was. A quick scan of the deck as he scampered over to the chest did not prove to help him in that field. 

Perhaps she's on the Pearl? He wondered, hurriedly unlocking the chest. William was about to have a sword through his chest, how lovely. Another conflict, who was he to save? Himself or William Turner II, the bloody whelp?

He could procrastinate, he was good at that. 

"Tell me, William Turner, do you fear death?" He arrived in time to hear Davy Jones snarl. 

"Do you?" Jack called, heart in one hand, what remained of his faithful cutlass in the other. It gave him immense satisfaction to see the unease in Davy Jones' eyes as he caught sight of the danger he was in.

"Yer a cruel mind, Jack Sparra!" He spat, tentacles flying. 

Jack grinned. "Cruel is a matter of perspective." 

His fairly good spirits dampened as Davy smirked; that was never good. "Is it?" The captain of the Flying Dutchman asked.

Jack didn't have time to come up with a witty response. Davy Jones had already spun around and drove his sword into Will's heart.

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