Chapter Nine: Powerful

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I stared at Tia Dalma, feeling a cold wave wash over me. "Time for what?"

"For ye to retreat, back ta de ocean from whence ya came," She smiled, walking forward and tilting my chin up with one finger. "Yer destiny."

I shook my head. "No, I can't become a siren. I have...responsibilities here!" She looked unconvinced. "I have Jack!" I burst out, hoping to make her understand.

"Love is not eternal, Adeena Cole," She said, shaking her head. "It will only las' so long, and then, it is gone."

I felt my temper build; she had no right, no right to say that about him, that he was like Davy Jones, that he would just leave. "You're wrong." I growled, jabbing her chest. "Jack is special. Different."

"And so art all pira'es," She murmured, seeming lost in thought. "But the shoes ye've to fill art large, an' so is ya heart. Ye'll do jus' fine."

Her eyes flashed, and she spoke in a strange language. Can you understand me? She said. It was odd; I could see her mouth moving, but it was as if she was speaking in my head. This is your native tongue.

I tried it, the odd noises flowing off of my tongue. This is...siren tongue?

He smiled, her teeth a flash of gold. Yes, Little Fire.

"Little fire?"

"It is what ya name translates to in dis language," She explained, smiling devilishly. "Little fire."

"Adeena..." I said aloud. Little fire.

She spoke again in Siren. Can you sing?

I felt my heart flutter, at the thought of singing in another language.

I can't keep up

With your turning tables

I placed my hands over my mouth in shock. Tia smiled at me, proud, as if I were her creation.

"It's beautiful," I whispered.

"Yes, Adeena," She said. "It 'tis what ya are meant ta be."

I shook my head. "Then why am I what I am?"

"Yer mother wanted a different life, for herself...yer father, he 'ad ruined dat fer her. But she 'ad you," Her eyes gleamed. "And she made to keep ya safe..."

"So she gave me to the humans..." I whispered.

"Ya father killed her da night afta," She hissed, her aura growing. I could sense everyone's auras; they were running about on deck, trying to tip the ship.

Up is down.

It all made sense. I bet Jack had been the one to figure it.

"My father." I raised my eyes. "Is he alive?"

"He lives," She said, in a half growl. She was angry thinking about it, I could tell. "But he searches." Her eyes grew distant.

"For who?" I asked.

I already knew.

"For you," She confirmed. I let my hand drift up to the locket around my neck.

Oddly, I felt my fingers close around a red Jamaican bead instead.

"What does he want?" I asked. The ship was tipping. We stood horizontal; our newfound--mine, anyway--powers keeping us in place.

"He wan's ya dead," She said softly. "But dat would be nearly impossible. Ya are too hard to kill, Little Fire."

Adeena Cole: At World's EndWhere stories live. Discover now