Chapter Twelve: Righteous

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Hey ya'll! I'm back! 

I entered my writing in that contest, and whether or not I have won anything is yet to be decided. I'm going to put the entry into Let's Go, my rant book, as soon as a publish this, so if you wanna check it out it's there. 

School is taking a lot of my time. I'm in advanced classes and such, so I have extra homework, and I need time to study for Spanish. It comes easy to me, and I usually don't have to, but it's getting more difficult each new unit. I'm doing my best to keep my As, but it's just harder this year, in all of my classes. 

The translations for everything are at the bottom! Please enjoy~~


Jack hopped down, surprised that he was able to keep his balance with the brandy he had consumed earlier. He looked to Will, who had been shoved forward and appeared rather pissed. 

"Send this pestilent traitorous cowhearted yeasty codpiece to the brig." He said, curling his lip at William and then turning away as his orders were followed. 

He found Barboussa a moment later, as he needed to ask someone remotely trustworthy where on earth Adeena was. 

Jack Sparrow, trusting Hector Barboussa. It was laughable.

"Hector!" He said, just to irritate him. "Could someone kindly inform me to where Adeena has disappeared to?"

Was that guilt in Barboussa's eyes?

Jack, growing uneasy, cocked an eyebrow.

"'Twas her decision." Hector began. "She forged a deal with Sao Feng." He gave Jack a rather nervous smile.

Jack's eye twitched. "Where is Adeena?" 

Pintel chose that moment to pop up, Ragetti in tow.

"Oh, 'Deena?" He said eagerly. "She went with Sao Feng."

Jack looked to him, and then Hector. 

"I need a drink," He said.


I had expected a cage.

A cage in which they could have their ways with me, and goggle at my body. But no, his handmaidens arrived to pamper me and dress me in fine oriental cloth. I was uncomfortable having someone dress me; I was used to doing things by myself.

Sao Feng chose that moment to enter what I had figured his cabin. He was speaking fluent Chinese; too much for me to understand but enough I could get the gist of what he was saying.

The two ladies that had dressed me, likely replacements for the two that passed on at the hands of Mercer back at the pirate docks of Singapore, stepped back, obeying.

He clapped his hands, finishing his little speech, and the two bowed and exited. I eyed him untrustingly; they had taken my weapons. 

"By this time tomorrow we will arrive in Shipwreck Cove, and you will be free," He said, walking leisurely to the desk, which was draped in parchment. 

That's a relief, I want my old clothes...and my sash, I thought. My locket hung from my neck. I had refused to let the handmaidens take it. 

"Calypso." His dark eyes, so different from Jack's, gleamed at me.


I could almost hear the bells go off in my head; he thought I, Adeena Mari Cole, was goddamn Calypso

You ignorant pig, I thought. I am a bloody Half-Siren, you...yúchǔn de húndàn!

"Pardon?" I asked, narrowing my eyes. Might as well use this to my advantage. Might as well not dig myself into another hole in the process.

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