Chapter Eight: Hybrid

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I sauntered into the cabin, my eyes finding the desk where Jack sat. He was using a protractor to draw circles and mindless triangles.

"Jack," I said impatiently. He looked up, and smiled upon seeing it was me.

"'Ello, love," He jumped up and grinned devilishly. "Excellent timing, you can delay my charting the course." He paused. "Of course, we have no idea where we are, but regardless--"

I rolled my eyes, but was amused. "You're delaying it anyway, you idiot," I leaned across the table and gave him a quick kiss, nonetheless. "I actually came in here for a reason..."

He looked concerned, and we both sat down simultaneously. "What can Jack do for you, love?"

I smiled slightly. "Well, Tia and I talked..."

He brightened. "Has she finally figured out how to read that blasted map?" He frowned, then the corner of his mouth lifted. "She should know, of all people..."

I knew exactly what he meant, I was surprised he knew, but I wouldn't be distracted. "Jack."

"Hm?" He met my eyes again, snapped out of his thoughts.

"Are you listening?" I demanded.


"Did you hear what I just said?"

"Probably not."

I groaned, and took his hands in mine, forcing him to look at me. "Jackie!"

That made him listen. "Fine..." He grumbled, his dark eyes glittering with amusement. "I'm all ears. Figuratively." He touched his left ear, moving aside the dreads and frowning.

I smiled again. "As I was saying, Tia and I spoke." I hesitated. "Remember the screaming thing, that I do?"

He nodded, then shivered. "It's horribly unnatural, love. Gets me every time."

"Yes, creeps me out too," I lied. The banshee screech that I could accomplish was a part of me, as natural as the air I breathed. "But...I know why I can do it."

His gaze snapped to mine again; his eyes had been roaming past my neck and downwards. Men. "And that is...?" He asked apprehensively.

I flinched. "I never knew my father, you know."

"Aye, I savvy."

I felt a smile appear, but it vanished. "My mother...I don't remember her well, either."

He raised an eyebrow, asking me silently to continue.

I took a deep breath. "My mother...was a siren."

A heavy silence.

He gaped at me. He just stared, his mouth forming an o. He blinked, and said, "That's...interesting."

I continued hastily. "It's why I can sing so well...and my competent sailing, as you put it..."

He blinked again, wearing a blank face. "Is that why I, erm, love you?" He asked finally, tilting his head and narrowing his eyes, a whole new understanding reflected in his chocolate orbs. "Sirens can attract men, like a magnet..."

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