Chapter Eleven: Stolen

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I can't describe the calm feeling that I had. I suppose I can call it knowing. I knew what to do, suddenly, what to say.

If Jack or Barboussa or someone interrupted me, someone was going to die. 

Preferably that someone would be Sao Feng. 

He appeared to be the one behind the obvious mutiny; it was him, after all, who stood smugly on the center of the deck staring around at the crew held hostage. 

Only his crew and William Turner II remained free. I fixed my stare on Will, narrowing my eyes.

"Sao Feng, ye showing up here, 'tis truly a remarkable coincidence." Barboussa rasped, warning flickering in his beady eyes.

"Shut up, Hector. I'll deal with the filth." I said coolly, not bothering to strain at the men who held my upper arms. 

Sao Feng smiled at me, and I shuddered. The only person allowed to lust after me was Jack, and Jack alone. Sao Feng needed to go die in a hole. Hopefully a hole filled with boiling lava. Weighted with a sack of bricks.

"Jack Sparrow." He let his gaze travel to Jack, held similarly to me. Jack smiled innocently in greeting. "You paid me great insult once." He breathed out heavily, trying to control his anger.

Jack thought for a brief moment, then grinned nervously. "That doesn't sound like me."

Sao Feng's eyes flashed, and he socked Jack square in the nose. I heard the unmistakable snap of it breaking.

"Hey! Don't touch him!" I growled, yanking at my captors. 

"Shall we just call it square, then?" Jack said, adjusting his nose. It clicked back into place.

William stepped forward. I tried catching his eyes, but he avoided my gaze. My irritated feeling grew in volume. "Let them go," He pointed at Elizabeth and I. "They aren't part of the bargain."

"And what bargain is this?" I demanded, kicking Sao Feng's leg. He glared at me but said nothing regarding my lashing out.

"You heard Captain Turner, release them," He told the Chinese men holding us.

"What?" I hissed, rubbing the area they had grasped me. I might have bruises.

"Captain Turner?" Jack whispered, almost talking to himself.

"Aye, the perfidious rotter led a mutiny against us!" Gibbs said, glaring at Will.

I stared at Will, my recently honorary brother, feeling betrayed. "Will?" I whispered. 

"I need the Black Pearl to free my father. That's the only reason I came on this voyage." He said venomously, resolve in his voice.  

"Why didn't you tell me you were planning this?" Elizabeth stomped over to stand in front of him.

"It was my burden to bear." He said softly in reply, although his voice was one of someone retorted to an insult. Elizabeth took a step back, her eyes wide and suspiciously shining.

Yes, I thought. Let her cry. Let her be miserable.

Jack couldn't keep himself silent any longer. 

"He needs the Pearl!" He announced sarcastically, breaking free and spreading his arms. Everyone stepped back to give him a wide berth. "Captain Turner needs the Pearl!" He gestured angrily at Elizabeth. "And you felt guilty." He pointed at Barboussa. "And you and your Brethren Court," He all but spat at him. "And you love me." He said to me, resulting a blush spreading across my cheeks. "But besides the beautiful Adeena, did anyone come to save just because they missed me?"

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